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Topics - MrOnlineCoder

Pages: 1 [2]
General / Questions about making tiled game
« on: September 17, 2016, 08:15:25 pm »
Hello. I am making tiled RPG game (all action will be on tiled map with top-down  view). So, questions:
1.How to draw and interact with large map (for example 1024*1024 tiles)
2.How to make mobs and player damagable? I mean how to watch when mob is attacked and when not (should I place this logic inside player, world class or somewhere)?

Feature requests / Add center() method for Sprite
« on: September 14, 2016, 10:17:24 pm »
Hello. Very often I need to center sprite relative to some position. So I have to do something like
sprite.setPosition(newX-sprite.getGlobalBounds().width/2, newY-sprite.getGlobalBounds().height/2)

but it will be very useful to do something this:
sprite.center(newX, newY);


General / Implementing spell system
« on: September 10, 2016, 03:45:47 pm »
Hello. I am adding "spell system" in my game. Spells are unique: one just do damage, another moves player in other position, another one adds buff, etc. Can it be implemented in Lua scripting? I mean something like
zeus_arrow.lua in spells folder:
function handler(target)
  --Implemented in C++
  DamageCharacter(target, 20);
--Implemented in C++
RegisterSpell("Zeus Arrow", handler);  

If yes, then how can I store handler function in C++, and call it everytime when spell is used?

Feature requests / Simple Message Box
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:42:17 pm »
Hello. Can SFML get a simple message box feature? It is useful for handling errors, and telling them to user. Like in SDL: https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox

General / Is it normal GPU usage?
« on: August 25, 2016, 07:40:46 pm »
Hello. I am drawing on game screen ~12 sprites each frame on 120 fps and it "eats" 20% of my GPU and CPU. My GPU is 775 MHz, so 20% is ~155 MHz. Is it normal?

General / Using same textures for different things
« on: August 22, 2016, 07:56:36 pm »
Hello. In what way should I organize my code to make reusable things? For example, I have level browser, where every level icon is drawn on texture-background. How to make it easy to make and use both for me and PC CPU/GPU?

General / Will one SFML project run on different computers?
« on: August 16, 2016, 06:15:42 pm »
Hello. I made a SFML project, using custom SFML build, because official didn't work on my machine. Then I updated my PC to Windows 7 64 bit, and my previous project crashed on start. Then I rebuilt SFML for new PC, and connected it to my project, it ran perfectly. Why  that happended and will it happen on other machines? (for example, my friend's PC)

General / Transfering data in Manage different screens tutorial
« on: August 12, 2016, 07:29:17 pm »
Hello. I found This  tutorial (https://github.com/SFML/SFML/wiki/Tutorial:-Manage-different-Screens) nice, but there is one question: how can I transfer data from screen to screen? For example, I have 2 screens: FindGame and Arena. FindGame screen searches an opponent online and has to transfer IP of server to connect to Arena screen.

General / Best way for organizing turn-based game
« on: August 11, 2016, 02:51:18 pm »
Hello. I am making a game where player control a bunch of heroes on a field (15*7 squares), and player has to destory enemy's heroes. It will be turn-based game, so hero can walk/attack in 1 turn. What is the best way for designing this game, so heroes will be easily interacted with UI (choose a hero to attack, choose a field square to go) and with in-game logic.
Thanks in advance.  ;)

Feature requests / Map loading API
« on: July 06, 2016, 11:18:47 pm »
Hello. Will be map loading API included in SFML? I mean like reading from .tmx files, or just binary or text files.

General / Problem with making simple project
« on: May 12, 2016, 03:29:54 pm »
Hello! I found SFML very easy and nice library for games (thanks Laurent), but I just disappointed with it's installation. So I created a simple project (Hello World with Green circle) in CodeBlocks, followed the guide on site, and after run, it started complaining about  something like libgcc_s_sjlj_1.dll was not found.  I moved it to the .exe directory (i used -static-libgcc and -static-libstdc++ flags, but it didn't work). Then it happened with libstdc++6.dll and DW2 dll. Then I ran my .exe, and it said: There is no entry point for _gxx_personality in libstdc++6.dll. I CAN'T even run hello world. Why it is so problematic? Is it my PC's issue or library issue or compiler issue? In VS 2008 Express the same problem (I used VC++ build). Can you explain why it is happening and how can I fix it?


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