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Messages - Sonkun

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SFML projects / Re: [KICKSTARTER] Mad Maze Attack
« on: October 19, 2017, 12:29:48 am »
Thanks Chaore  ;D

@Mario: Hmm, I never played "Don't Starve" soo I can't tell :D . Yeah, I understand because it's still abstract to us too  haha :P. Actually we haven' thought about the adventure mode much, I mean we have vision, features we want in it, but nothing properly defined. See it a local coop RPG. This is because we worked mainly on getting the mechanics and its controls right so far (as well as the animations, the gun play, maze editor, all the interaction with the maze, etc.). We also have the menus (which is not shown in the video).  We have a story (we know how we want it to begin and to end), we have tons of assets, the rest... has to be made. But the video reflects pretty much this "addventure" atmosphere we want to convey.

Other than that, we totally overlooked the marketing aspect of our Kickstarter campaign  :o . We expected some visibility at the start to have a chance to stand out. It turns out we're just invisible after all. I don't have much hope for the campaign but it's still a pleasure for me to share the hard work! :)

SFML projects / Mad Maze Attack
« on: October 16, 2017, 12:26:16 pm »
Hello everyone,

I want to share a video game project which was made exclusively with SFML. The name of the game is Mad Maze Attack and we've been working on it since November 2016. It's an ambitious project but we already have an advanced prototype on our side, which I hope to share with you in the following weeks.

As we need fund to complete the project, we started a fund campaign on Kickstarter. You'll find what the game is all about on it.


I would love to have your feedbacks on it (video and text), and answer your questions if it awakes your interests. Also, I would really appreciate if you help spread the word.

I intend to heavily advertise SFML with the game after it's completed by saying it was developed from A to Z and displaying the SFML logo on the splash screen. But that can only work if it reaches a commercial success.

Thank you  :)

Hey, don't screw up CTF5 !

I'm a huge fan of Teeworlds, that's why I LOVE your project :D You'll often find me on vanilla servers (ChickenMill servers), share your nickname :p

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: October 11, 2014, 03:25:25 pm »
Hi here,

I've been very busy lately and I couldn't work work on the Android port. I'm back now and I had time this week to make progress on your issues. Will reply shortly :)

Python / Re: pySFML 1.3: UTF-8 characters?
« on: October 08, 2014, 11:20:15 pm »
With all the recent changes to Python regarding Unicode handling, Python 2.7 with str and unicode types, Python 3.x until 3.2 with str and bytes and now Python 3.3 that reintroduces unicode type, plus the Cython layer that performs automatic conversions, I'm a bit lost.

As far as I can remember, this was a known bug in pySFML 1.3 and the development version contains the fix. I had to change the internal implementation because OSX doesn't support wchar too and I ended up with something working with one issue: a weird character appears in front of any sf.Text. So until I fix that, you could compile and work with the development version of pySFML. :)

Good luck.

Python / Re: pySFML discontinued?
« on: October 08, 2014, 11:10:32 pm »

The project isn't discontinued. I still have plans to update pySFML to the latest version of SFML (I'm even working on porting pySFML to mobile platforms too since SFML 2.2 is almost out). However since there's no API changes between 2.0 and 2.1, you can recompile pySFML or even use the dev version.

I also use it (intensively) for personal projects which forces me to update pySFML, I'm just busy with other stuff right now.

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: July 09, 2014, 06:34:32 pm »
Compile SFML using CMake, it should look like this:
export ANDROID_NDK=/path/to/ndk
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/toolchains/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_ABI=armeabi ..
make install

The last command, make install, will install everything in your NDK (headers, libraries, bootstrap).

From now, just create a regular native Android project (actually, just copy and adjust the example provided in SFML source, it'll be easier), compile and run. Refer to the example to write your app Android.mk and Application.mk scripts. It should look like this:

cd path/to/your/android-project
$ANDROID_NDK/ndk-build  # this line compiles your project)

Then press the run button from your IDE.

General discussions / Re: Android access to activity
« on: July 08, 2014, 07:26:05 pm »
Without investigating, I can't give you a proper answer explaining how things should be handled. However, until we provide a solution, your best bet is to modify SFML and forward what you need from SFMLActivity (or expose stuff you need)

Actually, several times in the past (when porting the Python bindings to Android for example) I crossed the need to have these variables accessible from main() just like you but I didn't get further and added it to the list of things I need to investigate.

As for the Environment class solution, we don't like adding API elements just to solve case specific issues. Of course if that turns out to be the only solution, we will need to convince the SFML Team. Instead I was thinking about how the JNI environment instance is forwarded to loaded libraries (via On_Load) and was thinking about something similar for SFML. But again, I need to investigate that.

General discussions / Re: Android Bug Thread
« on: June 21, 2014, 01:04:34 pm »
I may have misunderstood you on point 5. I though you asked us to map these volume up/down events to all sf::Sound and sf::Music objects. Would mapping volume up/down events to key codes solve your problem ? I can easily imagine the need to be in the know about the sound volume value, to keep the volume slider in your app updated, or to know when the volume is off/on. I'll investigate this issue shortly and will get back to you. :)

I'd be glad if you show me the code about volume events too :p

General discussions / Re: Android Bug Thread
« on: June 21, 2014, 11:12:01 am »
What's the point in listing bugs/issues already fixed :p

1. Fixed.
2. https://github.com/SFML/SFML/commit/ce1037118c043bec33d6c1d36ab368b9f8e609b2
3. Isn't related to the Android port (AFAIK)
4. Yeah.. I haven't yet taken the time to think about to which key code I have to bind them but I intended to work on that this week-end (since now I need them for my own game :D).
5. Won't happen. But if key events are generated for Volume UP/DOWN, we might consider adding new key code to SFML.

So my question is, are you guys still working on the port? Because some bugs are known since 6months!
Yes... Sorry but implementing the Android port isn't as trivial as writing Kroniax.

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: June 08, 2014, 08:18:27 am »
They're only missing from the headers. Using the values from the SDK docs works for me, though.
Awesome! I wasn't aware of that. I added the missing sensor constants and made the remaining sensors available. The change can be found in feature/android_toolchain branch.

As for OpenAL, there'd be a third option from a non-github repository. I either linked it here or on the issue tracker. I haven't checked recently, but I think the biggest hurdle is getting a proper config.h (which I have now). Guess biggest question would be which repository us updated regularly (didn't check the ones above so far).
Does sf::SoundRecorder work with this version of OpenAL-Soft ?

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: June 07, 2014, 05:40:04 pm »
Code: [Select]
    // These sensors are unavailable from the Android C API
    if ((sensor == Sensor::Gravity) ||
        (sensor == Sensor::UserAcceleration) ||
        (sensor == Sensor::Orientation))
        return NULL;
Yes, unless I missed something, these sensors are unavailable from the C API and would require to go trough JNI to use the Java API.

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: June 07, 2014, 05:34:52 pm »

I rewrote the Android toolchain and pushed the change in feature/android_toolchain. However, there's still a bug and if you compile SFML using this new toolchain, Android won't be able to launch sfml-activity.so. I hope to fix that bug soon (it has to do with link options).

Regarding the audio module which is broken: it's all about compiling OpenAL-Soft properly. Unfortunately there's no official version for Android and our two options are:
* https://github.com/AerialX/openal-soft-android
* https://github.com/apportable/openal-soft
I couldn't make apportable/openal-soft work and managed to make the other one work after disabling some audio backend. The CMake scripts that come along are also a bit broken and need to be hacked to work on some platforms. I'm just waiting for the new Android toolchain to work before recompiling OpenAL-Soft for each arches.

There's also a bad news about the audio module: I never got sf::SoundRecorder working and I really don't know how to fix that. Thus SFML 2.2 might be released without any audio recorder features working on Android.

Make sure you're in sync with this commit in another branch.
Don't worry, I am ;)

Sorry for those who are waiting for the changes I announced. I'm delayed because since I rewrote the Android CMake toolchain I can't get libsfml-activity.so to work >.< The audio module is fixed (I managed to compile OpenAL-Soft for Android properly) but I want to recompile libopenal.so again once the toolchain is fixed. There are also small fixes (Raspberry Pi compilation, EGL display is equal to EGL_NO_DISPLAY, etc.) on top of that and I don't want to push before everything works out of the box.

I am currently getting compile errors on the Rpi with the latest SFML build

Thanks, I fixed it locally with another bug. I'll push everything shortly.

@nero81af: I don't understand the changes you made in the EGL implementation. Why would you need that ? As you said, SFML currently only supports version 1.x of OpenGL ES so it shouldn't be necessary.. unless you can't get Ogre working with SFML without it ?

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