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Topics - Sonkun

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SFML projects / Mad Maze Attack
« on: October 16, 2017, 12:26:16 pm »
Hello everyone,

I want to share a video game project which was made exclusively with SFML. The name of the game is Mad Maze Attack and we've been working on it since November 2016. It's an ambitious project but we already have an advanced prototype on our side, which I hope to share with you in the following weeks.

As we need fund to complete the project, we started a fund campaign on Kickstarter. You'll find what the game is all about on it.


I would love to have your feedbacks on it (video and text), and answer your questions if it awakes your interests. Also, I would really appreciate if you help spread the word.

I intend to heavily advertise SFML with the game after it's completed by saying it was developed from A to Z and displaying the SFML logo on the splash screen. But that can only work if it reaches a commercial success.

Thank you  :)

General discussions / Update of the "official" SFML description
« on: June 18, 2013, 09:06:56 pm »
I'm packaging SFML, wanna update its "official" description ?

The current one in Debian repositories is:

"SFML is an modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce an multimedia app. It offers OpenGL integration for Hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and Input support, Audio and Network facilities and supports GNU/Linux MS Windows and Mac OS X."

DotNet / Has anyone built the .Net bindings on Linux successfully ?
« on: June 18, 2013, 09:01:44 pm »
I wish to package the .Net bindings for Ubuntu/Fedora but I know nothing about them. Do they work on Linux ? Or it's meant to be for Windows only ?

Has anyone built the.Net bindings on Linux using Mono successfully ? If yes, how ? What packages do we need to install ? What do we have to type to compile from command lines. Can anyone give a complete set of command line, since packages are just scripts which execute them.

General discussions / RedHat/Fedora packages for SFML
« on: June 14, 2013, 03:12:39 pm »
The repository introduced here is broken at the moment but its packages are getting in the official Fedora repository. They should be available soon and a simple "yum install *sfml*" command will be enough.

In the meantime, you can download them from http://sonkun.fedorapeople.org/SFML where you'll find SFML and its bindings. You need to download the .rpm files.

I'll update this thread to give the new instructions.

This is the Redhat/Fedora version of the Debian/Ubuntu package for the SFML project(http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=11338.0). As I haven't mastered the rpm package building process yet you'll find only a few packages, but hopefully the most important ones ;) The others should follow shortly.

The packages are available for a range of RedHat and Fedora distributions (Fedora 7, 8, 9 and RedHat 5, 6) and always ompiled on two architectures (i386 and x86_64).

Packages are available on my server (http://python-sfml.org/fedora) and to tell yum where they are you'd typically add a configuration file named "sfml.repo" in /etc/yum.repos.d/. It should contain the following:
name = Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
baseurl = http://python-sfml.org/fedora

For convenience, instead of creating the file manually, type:
yum-config-manager --add-repo http://python-sfml.org/fedora/sfml.repo
which should set up the file with its gpg key (see below).

For those who are concerned by the authenticity and security of packages they are all signed (as well as the repository). To make sure only verified packages show up in the console, when typing yum search, add these two lines to your sfml.repo file (already done if you used yum-config-manager).


Here is my GPG public key: http://www.python-sfml.org/fedora/GPG-KEY-sfml

Optionally, to enable/disable the repository (enabled by default):
yum-config-manager --enable sfml
yum-config-manager --disable sfml

In the near future I shall split the repository into two- the stable one, which will contain stable releases, and the development repository, with snapshots or alpha versions.

Over time I will only provide packages for supported RedHat/Fedora versions. That means I'll drop Fedora 7 to provide for Fedora 10, etc.

Note: I'm not satisfied with the current domain name as "python-sfml" doesn't match the overall theme of these packages, which is "SFML" and I hope to provide them later under a more official name.

General discussions / Debian/Ubuntu packages for SFML
« on: May 02, 2013, 12:36:14 am »
Now that the final release of SFML 2.0 is out, it's maybe time for me to publicize my package project. I started making packages a while ago to package for Debian/Ubuntu. The primary goal was distributing my Python bindings but I ended up extending it to all bindings and projects based on SFML such as sfeMovie, Thor, SFGUI, TGUI, etc.

See also: For RedHat/Fedora/CentOS users, I've got the same projects for .rpm packages, I should announce it very soon.

These packages are stored on two launchpad PPAs providing them in two version: stable version and development version. The first repository provides stable version and is named sonkun/sfml-stable while the second, sonkun/sfml-development, provides the latest changes... and is frequently updated.

Each package is available for the last three Ubuntu versions:
  • 12.04LTS (Precise Pangolin)
  • 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal)
  • 13.04LTS (Raring Ringtail)

For Debian users, you'll have to get the respective .deb files from the launchpad website.

You first need to add the repository, open a console and type:

apt-add-repository ppa:sonkun/sfml-stable # for stable versions
apt-add-repository ppa:sonkun/sfml-development # for development versions
apt-get update

Now, install the package you want with:

apt-get install <package-name>

Warning: as the release of the final SFML 2.0 is recent, sfml-stable still contains SFML2.0-RC while sfml-development provides SFML2.0. So you'll be interested in getting the last one.

Warning2: For Python users, I'm experiencing issues with packaging the latest pySFML version, so you'll be better off using the previous stable version (1.2) which is based on SFML2-RC (in sonkun/sfml-stable) But don't worry, first the API differences are small (so it won't take a long time to update your code), and second, as soon as it's done, you can easily update to SFML2 by installing sonkun/sfml-development).

Here's the list of all packages available. One project generally have several package depending on what kind of project it is (library, application, python module, etc.).

SFML & its bindings

  • SFML
  • pySFML

Version: 2.0.0-RC
Commit: 19276a5
Version: 2.0.0
Commit: 86897a8
The sfml-examples package provides scripts to run the SFML examples easily.
Type sfml-<example-name>.
For examples: sfml-shader would run the shader example and allow to quickly
see if SFML runs well with your graphic card.
Version: 2.0.0-RC
Commit: 1bfc30c
Version: 2.0.0
Commit: 7aab902
No notes.
Not available!
Version: 2.0.0 (dev)
Commit: 8438ca183d
I'm not sure if files are installed properly.
I need feedback.

Version: 1.2.0
Commit: Dunno
Available tomorrow!
python-sfml-dbg (comming soon)
python-sfml-dev (comming soon)
The pysfml-examples package provides scripts to run the pySFML examples
easily. Type pysfml-<example-name>.
For examples: pysfml-shader would run the shader example and allow to quickly
see if SFML runs well with your graphic card.

Libraries based on SFML
  • sfeMovie
  • Thor
  • TGUI

Version: 1.0.0
Commit: 5c204197
Version: latest version
Commit: 47c14e2
The sfemovie-example package provides a script to run the single sfeMovie
examples easily. Type sfemovie-example to see if sfeMovie works well on your
Not available!
Version: 2.0.0 (development)
Commit: 95ffe09832
The thor-examples package provides scripts to run the Thor examples easily.
Type thor-<example-name>.
For examples: thor-particles
Version: 0.4.2
Commit: Dunno
Version: 0.5.0
Commit: Dunno
The tgui-formbuilder package provides scripts to run the
Form builder (RAD).
Not available!
Available but I need to
check its version.

The sfgui-examples package provides scripts to run the SFGUI
examples easily. Type sfgui-<example-name>.

General discussions / News regarding the Python bindings (python-sfml)
« on: April 23, 2013, 03:48:59 pm »
Version 1.2 is out

Version 1.2 has been released since November 2012, offering new features.

First and foremost, the bindings have been relicenced from GPLv3 to the much more liberal LGPLv3.

Secondly, the load/open/create methods have been deprecated in favor of their from_foo counterparts, which we believe more closely resemble the standard library's naming conventions. Similarly, the save/conversion methods have been deprecated in favor of to_bar methods.

The voip example is now available and various multi-threading issues have been fixed.

Be sure to check out the website for Windows installers and Debian packages.

For a complete list of changes, check out the changelog: http://python-sfml.org/1.2/changelog.html

Known bug in this version: convert_coords methods return None no matter what. This is already fixed in the master branch, so you'll need to compile from source or wait for version 1.3 to get past this limitation.

Thor library is almost ported

In addition, most of the Thor library modules have been ported and can be interpolated with the SFML bindings. This port joins sfeMovie in the list of officially supported add-ons.

It consists of a top-level thor package which in-turn is composed of nine modules. Here's a table showing their implementation status.

AnimationImplementedLimitation: so far, can only animate a sprite :/
GraphicsImplementedColorGradient creation is different from C++
VectorPartially implemented
MathPartially implemented
EventsNot implemented
ResourcesNot implemented

For more information, visit the thor section of the website: http://thor.python-sfml.org.

Version 1.3 coming soon

Version 1.3 is set to be released in conjunction with the official release of SFML2. The API, tutorials and documentation will thoroughly be updated to match the latest changes from the SFML2 codebase.

As packages won't be made  available beforehand, you'll need to compile the bindings from source if you wish to get a sneak peak of these upcoming chnages (sfml_latest branch). Details on how to do this can be found below.

In this “final” version, you'll be able to embed Python code into your C++ application and write your own extensions using the C/Cython API. We've dedicated an entire section of the documentation on how to do this, complete with two working examples (embedding and extending).

General / Can't sfml-main be merged into sfml-system ?
« on: March 18, 2013, 04:06:53 pm »

I was wondering if it wouldn't be better to merge sfml-main into sfml-system since it's a system specific stuff and sfml-system is mandatory. Has anyone ever thought about that ? What was his conclusion ?

General discussions / python-sfml2: version 1.1
« on: June 14, 2012, 10:28:56 pm »
The last release, which I announced two weeks ago was a fast release; a snapshot taken on the way to the release candidate build. I had focused on the most important parts of the API (classes/functions most used) to make it the most usable. I’m now pleased to announce that the update is over and that the binding is complete, clean and stable.

When saying complete I am referring to a binding containing all classes and functions available in SFML separated in five different modules: system, window, graphics, audio and network. The network module is provided in order to be exhaustive but its use is discouraged since the standard python library already provides one. Documentation, tutorials and the official examples are included to help you with using it. For example; it explains you how to integrate pySFML2 to PyQt4.

By saying clean, I mean a binding where error messages are handled properly and where you don’t have to use byte strings for everything when you use Python 3.  The source code is also clean so people who’d like to get involved or want to modify it will find code following conventions, using the right Cython syntax and split into different files.

By saying stable, I mean a binding where automatic tests have been performed, hopefully preventing myself from introducing new error later on with changes. Of course I can’t pretend there’s no bugs since it’s the first release and I hope to receive as much feedbacks as possible to fix the remaining issues.

I consider this binding more pythonic as it doesn’t try to emulate multiple definition function such as in C++ that Python doesn’t support, and you won’t have to deal directly with types, which give more flexibility to the binding.

This version includes two more examples: pong.py and shader.py.

Installers for Windows and packages for Ubuntu are provided for ease of installation.

To give you an overview, here are four pieces of code that summarize interesting features that you don't find in the official binding.

Import module independently.
from sfml.window import sf # need only the window module ?
from sfml.audio import sf # need only the audio module ?

More flexibility when using vectors.
vector = sf.Vector2()
vector.x = 23 # set an integer
vector.y = 6.42 # set a float
vector.z = Decimal(0.12346578) # set a decimal for advantages over the float datatype

The way you handle events in pySFML2 may surprise you :)
for event in window.events:
    if type(event) is sf.CloseEvent:

    if type(event) is sf.KeyEvent and event.pressed:

    if type(event) is sf.FocusEvent:
        if event.lost: music.stop()
        elif event.gained: music.play()

sf.Image has an extra method that allows you to view the current image state. Useful for debugging.
image.show() # launch a viewer with the current image state

I’m linking you to the on-line documentation for installation and explanations.

Website: http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/
Documentation: http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/documentation.html
Bugtracker: http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/flyspray/
Github: https://github.com/Sonkun/python-sfml2

The next release should add the last missing official examples (voip.py, x11.py, cocoa.py and win32.py), fix a lot of issues (if any) and provide installers for Mac OSX and packages for Fedora.

I hope there aren’t any major bugs that will prevent you from using the binding.

Python / python-sfml
« on: June 01, 2012, 12:10:10 am »
Hello, I'm opening this topic to talk about the project. If you have any questions or want to report issues, you can do it here. :)

General discussions / python-sfml2 version 1.0 is available.
« on: May 31, 2012, 11:48:41 pm »

Three weeks ago I opened a topic to announce my project; a python binding for SFML2. At the time, it was the result of my work last winter but in the meantime I had to go abroad leaving the project in its current state without releasing it.  It was out-of-date with the then current sfml2 development version but I wanted to release it before carrying on and updating it to the release candidate. Three weeks later here we are; the project is updated to the release candidate as promised.

Although I spent the last 3 weeks on working on the update there are quite a lot of thing I didn't have time to implement. I focused on the functionality part: the most important classes have been implemented.  Tests to check whether they do run well on all platform have been performed.

I consider this version  a fast release which comes with bugs and non implemented functionality, yet comes with almost complete documentation.

This time the binding comes with installers for Windows (something I didn't have time to make last time) and, like always, a Ubuntu/Debian depot for ease of installation. This depot provides many packages: sfml2-rc, the
binding and the examples for the binding.

I'm linking to the on-line documentation where you will find explanations about installation, the documentation and various script examples as well as explanation about the project, etc.

Website: http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/
Bug-tracker: http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/flyspray

The bug-tracker is temporarily read-only.  If you find bugs then please report them on the forum or via the issues tab on the github page, I'll add them.

Download and installation

Download the correct installer and follow the instructions (you don't need to have SFML2 installed).

pySFML2-1.0.0.win32-py2.7.exe [1.6 MB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit]
pySFML2-1.0.0.win32-py3.2.exe [1.6 MB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit]

Installer for 64bits platform are not available yet, if someone need them, just tell me and I'll speed up.

The depot can be added by typing:
Code: [Select]
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sonkun/sfml
sudo apt-get update

The packages provided are:
  • libsfml2
  • libsfml2-dev
  • libsfml2-dbg
  • libsfml2-doc
  • sfml2-examples
  • python-sfml2
  • python3-sfml2
  • python-sfml2-doc
  • pysfml2-examples

Note that the examples package installs scripts that allow you to launch the examples with a simple command line.

Code: [Select]
sfml2-sound # run example 'sound'

pysfml2-sound         #run the same example but actually it's a script that uses the binding
pysfml2-spacial-music # not an official example
pysfml2-pyqt4         # not an official example

General discussions / Another python binding: python-sfml2
« on: May 11, 2012, 03:24:59 pm »

Hello everybody,

I wanted to let you know about my project, a python binding for sfml2. Also written with cython and it was forked from the official python binding written by Bastien Lénoard on the 20th November 2011 because I needed some features at once to write my current C++ projects in Python.

It has since then widely improved and I decided to share my work.

The release I'm about to introduce is based on a snapshot of sfml2 which was available on the 20th November 2011 that I used to call sfm1.9. I decided to stay and work with this version because maintaining a binding up-to-date with the very latest changes is time consuming (also because I have projects which depend on the binding and a change made in sfml2 involves a change in the binding which involves changes in all my projects).

This release version is v0.9 and I hope to provide for the next one (v1.0) a binding compatible with the release candidate; I've already started working on it.

Despite its dependency on the snapshot, it provides some features that may interest people.

What has changed since its fork ? (copy-paste from the documentation)
  • network module implemented.
  • sound module rewrited.
  • some current limitation of the module have been fixed such the derivability of sf.Drawable.
  • modules are implemented separately; you can import each module independently.
  • support cython 0.16 (faster).
  • many official examples are available and new examples have been added (such integrating with pyqt4).
  • an extra-layer to the sfml has been added to avoid dealing with type and to provide more flexibility
  • available trough depot in launchpad for ease of installation.

I suggest you to read the documentation to know more: http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/0.9/doc/introduction.html

How to install ?
Just read the doc about compiling and if you are on ubuntu 12.04, packages are available trough a launchpad ppa. Type:
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:sonkun/sfml
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libsfml2-dev python-sfml2

Notes that the packages provide examples too, you may want to install sfml2-examples or/and python-sfml2-examples, then you just have to type:
sfml2-<examples name>
python-sfml2-<examples names>

For examples:
Code: [Select]
python-sfml2-pyqt4 # will run script pyqt4.py that use the binding.

If you are interested in following the version 1.0 development and having automatic updates, I'll set up another depot named sfml-development with sfml2-rc in and the binding as well.

Main website: http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/
Documentation: http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/0.9/doc/
Downloads: http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/downloads/ or https://github.com/Sonkun/python-sfml2/downloads
Bug-tracker: http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/flyspray/
Launchpad ppa: https://launchpad.net/~sonkun/+archive/sfml

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