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Messages - Sonkun

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General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: April 29, 2014, 07:49:54 pm »
I forgot to mention I also had to move the clear/draw/display calls to the top of the main loop. Probably something goes wrong when calling them after the window has closed.

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: April 29, 2014, 07:19:36 pm »
Interesting! Actually, I noticed the activity not properly destroyed bug when working on the rotation bug (and that's why I needed more time :p). But I don't understand why we still see the application as running because the code is called as intended. onDestroy() takes care of sending the SFML close event, the main loop ends which ends the main() function, which  causes ANativeActivity_finish() to be called.

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: April 26, 2014, 12:08:53 pm »
@nero81af: your patch sounds interesting. However it turns out I don't have enough time (because of the SFML team reorganization and the amount of discussion to read/reply) analyse and merge it. As for the rotation bug if you want to solve the bug, go ahead I would be glad to merge your changes. Otherwise, I'll be back on 28th of April thus I hope I can do it day after.

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: April 23, 2014, 09:23:13 pm »
Sorry, actually I'm on vacation and I didn't have enough time to find out the bug or answer the forum. I'll have time to work on SFML Friday evening and whole Saturday. I hope it can wait.

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: April 21, 2014, 01:31:20 pm »
sf::RenderTexture works for me.

As for the resize event bug, I'm working on it :)

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: April 20, 2014, 06:27:51 pm »
I fixed sf::Font.

For the transparency issue, in file src/SFML/Graphics/GLExtensions.hpp line 37, you can replace "GL_OES_blend_func_separate" with "false". It shoudl fix your issue. I don't know yet the proper fix.

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: April 15, 2014, 04:18:10 pm »
I just rebased ios_and_android branch onto master thus to update your local branch git pull won't work, you'll need to recreate it.

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: March 11, 2014, 06:15:20 pm »
Hi guys!

Sorry I'm so late in answering you. Finally, it turned out I hadn't fixed the problem and I was still getting weird errors at random places. Actually, I spent the entire last week trying to make SFML work with the GNU version of STL. I just tried everything but it was unsuccessful :( That's why I'm quite delayed here.

Hopefully, yesterday I noticed a new NDK version has been released in the meantime and this one contains a new STL version (the one used by Clang compiler). Thus I dropped everything, GNUSTL (can't make it work, license constraint) and STLPORT (poor C++11 support, upstream development is dead), in favour of this one which has high c++11 support and no license constraint. It seems they're willing to retire the other STL versions as well. Well, I could make SFML work with this version of STL and I'm happy to announce you can now use C++11 in your application and distribute them freely. :)

I will still annoies you with the Android CMake toolchain because it needs to be rewritten to remove features that SFML don't need and which are hard to maintain. Using this new implementation of STL requires the latest NDK version because earlier versions don't have it. However I'll keep the same interface, you just won't need to enable ANDROID_USE_STLPORT but I might introduce new bugs :s.

The good news is SFML now works on some of my devices where it used not to work. What about yours ?

@LittleCodingFox and @nero81af: Thank you very much for reporting bugs. I'll check them as soon as possible!

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: February 25, 2014, 06:09:18 pm »
Aye! :D Just found out what goes wrong when using the GNU implementation of STL! I'll drop stlport in favor of gnustl shortly so we can enable C++11 in our app! I hope it will also fix SFML not working on some Android device by the way...

Tomorrow, I'll fix the transparency issue properly so you won't have to modify GlExtensions.hpp manually anymore. :)

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: February 24, 2014, 01:43:11 pm »
You are no longer forced to use "sfml-example" as library name for your application. The SFML activity now reads the manifest file which comes along with your Android project in order to retrieve it, thus you need to add the following line to AndroidManifest.xml:

<meta-data android:name="sfml.app.lib_name" android:value="myCustomLibraryName" />

If you forget it, an error saying "No meta-data 'sfml.app.lib_name' found in AndroidManifest.xml file" will appear.

By the way, I'm still working on the gnustl support to enable C++11 features in your applications. :)

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: February 13, 2014, 07:46:09 pm »

It's been quite a long time since I last answered here because I was busy with other stuff. I'll be back next  week to carry on working on the Android port and answer your technical questions. :)

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: December 16, 2013, 02:54:31 pm »
Unfortunately I don't have access to the code right now so I can't push it :( By the way, rewriting commits leads to confusion, that's why I prefer to wait in general :p

If you're looking for the code that fixes the font and transparency issue, I haven't fixed it properly yet actually... (not sure if it'd still work on the iOS side). Anyways, here's a quick temporary fix: replace "GL_OES_blend_func_separate" with "false" in Egl src/SFML/Graphics/GlExtensions.hpp lin 37.

You may have to set EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA at True in src/SFML/Window/Android/EglContext.cpp (be careful there are three occurrences).

I'll sort this thing out tonight before pushing EglContext refactored :)

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: December 16, 2013, 01:59:05 pm »
I ended up with changes in some CMake scripts and I still need to test whether SFML compiles okay on Windows before pushing anything. It should be ready tonight!

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: December 15, 2013, 06:18:26 pm »
I'll send a fix tonight with the EglContext code improvaed and refactored to be used on Linux and other EGL based OSes.

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: December 09, 2013, 06:34:58 am »
Thanks for waiting! I'm now available to dig into these issues :D

So, what do we have here:

1) Crash when orientation changes (unless you set android:screenOrientation at landscape)
2) Alpha color issue
3) Figure out why some audio format cannot be played.
4) Drop stlport in favor of gnustl since it has poor C++11 support
5) sf::Text displays white rectangles
6) Add support for NDKr9b

Bug number 2 and 5 are fixed but I haven't pushed anything yet because I need confirmation from the iOS port.

I'm trying to build the android port but it is not working. Cmake says that the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE  isn't being used by the project
This message shows up when I rerun CMake so don't worry, it's being used by the project.

Font loading is broken at the moment, same happens for Android.
What happens exactly? Does it fail to load any font file ? Or is it the same as bug number 5 ?

Is the stable version available soon? I would like to use SFML for my Android game project.
I just finished porting my game so I guess it's stable enough to start developing a game :D
Thanks everyone for your feedbacks and reports! :)

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