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Messages - Sonkun

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General / Re: FindSFML.cmake update suggestion
« on: August 25, 2013, 11:07:06 am »
I don't know why you're having your libraries ending in @. Which arch do you have? x86 or x64 ?

If you environement was clean, you should have ran into another issue: the inability for you system to find SFML headers (since they've been messy and have renamed SFML/ to SFML-2.0/ in order to keep SFML 1.6, which was a stupid idea).

Without any more information, the only thing I can advise is, clean your environement and install SFML from source... or wait for the packages to be fixed.

Clean your environement:
sudo yum remove SFML* compat-SFML*

sudo rm -r /usr/include/SFML/*
sudo rm -r /usr/local/include/SFML/*

sudo rm /usr/lib/libsfml-*
sudo rm /usr/lib64/libsfml-*
sudo rm /usr/local/lib/libsfml-*
sudo rm /usr/local/lib64/libsfml-*

General / Re: how to use SFML LIbarys in Cmake ?
« on: August 14, 2013, 08:39:45 am »
FindSFML.cmake must either be in the CMake module folder (/usr/share/cmake/modules ... or something), or you can add its path to the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH (or something ;D) CMake variable.
Yeah, something like that :D

Actually, it will work if you move FindSFML.cmake to /usr/share/cmake-x-y/Modules but this directory is for FindXXX.cmake scripts that comes with CMake. The actual directories are listed there: http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.8/cmake.html#command:find_package But often, each Linux distributions define a standard place for these scripts.

SFML projects / Re: Thor 2.0
« on: August 10, 2013, 05:10:05 am »
That's not a big deal but I noticed an unnecessary line in the StopWatch implementation. Line 74, it should work without the clock restart.


General discussions / Re: Android/iOS "Soon"
« on: August 09, 2013, 10:43:22 pm »
Fuck >.< I forgot undefined references only show up when you compile a project using the libraries. Well, I'm getting the same errors then. It seems I broke something during my last rebase because I remember I had the examples compiling and running well. I can't find _EGLContext::selectBestVisual() neither, strange. I'll figure that out tomorrow and give you news as soon as it's fixed. Thank you.

General discussions / Re: Android/iOS "Soon"
« on: August 09, 2013, 07:52:28 pm »
-DSFML_EMBEDDED_SYSTEM is missing. That means CMake failed to detect your platform and thus, has set SFML_EMBEDDED_SYSTEM at false. Try:


btw: Is there a reason why you changed the Include-Files from UpperCase to LowerCase?
This is an experimental repository meant to try new stuff. The Android port was a new stuff and it will be adapted then merged into the official repository soon. You can read the wiki.

General discussions / Re: Android/iOS "Soon"
« on: August 09, 2013, 12:56:09 am »
I couldn't reproduce your compilation error on my Raspberry Pi with Pidora as OS. However I noticed other errors which are now fixed. What branch are you compiling ? The master or the Android branch ? Both should work though.

This is weird. I couldn't figure out why you're having this error. I mean, I glanced the code and it's obvious a method definition is missing but why am I not getting it on my Raspberry Pi which does compile WindowImplX11.cpp but doesn't compile GlxContext.cpp which is correct.

Just like that, try a verbose make (make VERBOSE=1) and verify if -DSFML_EMBEDDED_SYSTEM is sent. I'm wondering if CMake thinks, as you're on Ubuntu, you're not on an ARM based system (and so doesn't set SFML_EMBEDDED_SYSTEM variable to True).

General discussions / Re: Android/iOS "Soon"
« on: August 08, 2013, 12:27:55 am »
Thanks for your feedback.

Maybe I messed up a commit last time I had to rebase eSFML on SFML 2.1. I assume I'll get the same behavior tomorrow on my Raspberry Pi if your laptob is ARM-based.

General / Re: unknown type 'namespace'
« on: August 07, 2013, 06:42:17 pm »
That's why you need to manually remove the C::B config files...

And the goal of having the full command lines displayed is to see what's wrong with your settings. So unless you copy/paste them here, we can't help you.

General / Re: unknown type 'namespace'
« on: August 07, 2013, 03:34:47 pm »
Don't give up, it's all about setting up your compiler. At worst, try a fresh install. ;)

Another hint, there's an option to display the full command line Code::blocks has used to build your project.(Other settings > Compiler logging : chose Full command line). You can still copy/paste this command line here to see how broken CodeBlocks is :p

Window / Re: Event polling; different implementations
« on: August 07, 2013, 03:19:14 pm »
Phew, I am finished. It took me hours to get this. I guess I will get SFML not in days or months but in years maybe even in light years. The fact that other guys who are younger than me (19 or even younger) get the whole stuff quickly, and can write good software is depressing me. Am I'm getting old?! Am I obsolete in this business? I am studying like a snail. :'(
Don't worry, it happens to get lost in obvious details like these, especially when you never dealt with a main loop. Look at me, once I asked something similar about key events. I couldn't get how were TextEvent and KeyEvent events related, and Laurent simply explained me a TextEvent is the result of a combination of KeyEvent, that's why you might have these two events in a row, generated in a single frame (I was confused because my loop was handling both events and was sure KeyEvent was the way to go for simple characters like A, B, etc.). It didn't prevent me from writing the Android port of SFML and I was your age.

So.. don't give up! :) You can't learn programming and APIs overnight, you'll always need to step back. And when everything goes wrong, that means you need a fresh start.

Good luck!

General / Re: unknown type 'namespace'
« on: August 07, 2013, 02:58:40 pm »
I'm not on Windows, but just like that, shouldn't the compiler be named "MinGW compiler" or something ? Is your project correctly set up to use the right compiler ? Are you sure there aren't options in your project which overrides the compiler options ? Be careful, there are global options and configuration-specific options (Release, Debug), so make sure your project is built using the configuration you want.

General / Re: unknown type 'namespace'
« on: August 07, 2013, 02:39:50 pm »
I did exactly how I said and it worked :p

In your "Toolchains executable" tab, what C++ compiler is set ?

General / Re: unknown type 'namespace'
« on: August 07, 2013, 01:40:15 pm »
1) Go to Settings > Compiler > Global Compiler Settings.
2) Select your compiler
3) Press "reset defaults"
4) Tab "Search directories" > Compiler : add the location of the SFML headers
5) Tab "Search directories" > Linker: add the location of the SFML libraries (.lib/.so)
6) Tab "Linker settings" > Link libraries: add "sfml-system", etc.
7) Press ok and you're done.

General / Re: unknown type 'namespace'
« on: August 06, 2013, 11:39:49 pm »
It looks like you're trying to compile C++ code with a C compiler. You messed up your compiler settings, if it was working before your changes.

General discussions / Re: RedHat/Fedora packages for SFML
« on: August 06, 2013, 04:07:53 pm »
My repository is a bit broken at the moment but its packages are getting in the official Fedora repository so, they should be available soon with a simple command line: "yum install *sfml*".

In the meantime, you can download them from http://sonkun.fedorapeople.org/SFML/ where you'll find SFML and its bindings. You won't find the ruby and D bindings because they still have rpmlint warnings and errors.

You want the .rpm files :)

Good luck!

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