I think the attack of your sound fonts need to be adjusted so that every note doesn't sound like a midi. I would try to cut down on the repetition and make it more short and compact to compensate for your lack of experience in making the notes/music fancy.
The ships look good.
I would take the missiles off the sides unless you're going to animate them to fire. Nothing more annoying than weapons you can't use.
The gray ship is also too dark.
Makes me wonder if you have a mac or your gamma is messed up.
Parts of it are almost solid black. To be able to see it well you need to make it at least 65% gray.
If you want it to be 'black' you should add a blue/purple/cyan tint to the gray.
I would make the cockpit glass a brighter and more interesting/shiny/reflective color too like red/orange/blue/green/yellow--see the f22 for what I mean.
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2409/2187146138_b2fc5e2c50.jpghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/00/F22_Pacific.jpgOf course not too bright so it looks like a kids toy.
Right now it just looks kinda like a hole and will be even harder to see when they are small.