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Messages - dschouhennes

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: Golden Spike - Public Transport Simulation
« on: November 18, 2021, 04:46:09 pm »
There is a new version available online with some minor bug fixes, as well as a new part (rail split element) and feature: @Paul, you can now click on the minimap to jump to the place :-) Download is available on the website: https://www.goldenspike.de/download-2/

There is also a newsletter (in German), you can subscribe here:

Right now I'm working on enhancing the graphics a little bit (shadows, overhead lines). Here's a screenshot:

SFML projects / Re: Golden Spike - Public Transport Simulation
« on: October 28, 2021, 03:14:11 pm »
Thanks for the feedback! The Idea to jump to a point on the minimap by clicking sounds good - I'll implement it in the next version :-)

SFML projects / Golden Spike - Public Transport Simulation
« on: October 15, 2021, 01:14:57 pm »
I've been playing with programming and computer graphics for quite a while, however a couple of years ago I decided to take it to a more serious level and use C++ and SFML to work on a public transport traffic simulation game. In September, I was able to release a first beta on www.goldenspike.de.
For now it is only available in German, however, I plan to release an English website and English game texts as well.

-create huge maps in realistic scale (e.g. all of Berlin) with vast amounts of lines (all train, tube and Metro bus lines of Berlin, for example)
-free shaping of track directions and curve radius
-station, timetable and delay management
-load map file in JPG format as background to use it as blueprint for city building

Many things are still under development. Right now, GoldenSpike is just a sandbox-type playing tool to create your own model railroad, however I am planning on turning it into a game where you can actually earn money with your lines by planning them wisely - someday.

More things to be implemented:
-shadows of objects and trains (working on it right now  ;) )
-different layers with bridges, tunnels and collision control
-many more vehicles and buildings, landscape, water, ...
-customizable road types with parking, tram, cycle lanes, ...

Feel free to check it out on the website goldenspike.de. There is a download (Windows and in German only, sorry) available that includes maps of Berlin and Dresden.

Very happy to hear from you - comments, questions, suggestions. Looking forward to many interested testers and people recreating their hometown network and sending it to me to be uploaded to the website  :P

SFML projects / Rail and Bus Simulation
« on: October 15, 2021, 12:46:08 pm »
Finally managed to upload a playable version of "Golden Spike":

a public transport simulation with the ability to create huge maps - like all lines of e.g. Berlin. (Unfortunately, for now only available in German)

Here's the Trailer:

Visit goldenspike.de (German only)

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