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Messages - Thrasher

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General / Re: SFML integration via CMakeList.txt (static library)
« on: August 10, 2023, 05:09:15 pm »
Luckily the perfect solution exists for you!


Check out the official SFML CMake project template. The README even has some information on how to get static libraries.

General / Re: Im having trouble compiling SFML & ImGui
« on: August 08, 2023, 04:52:13 pm »

There's a much better solution in the official SFML project template repo. See the `imgui-sfml` branch above.

Graphics / Re: Error compiling with gcc++
« on: August 06, 2023, 08:53:58 am »
What OS are you using and what build commands did you run?

What level of memory usage were you expecting to see? Have you compared this to other libraries to like SDL to see if memory usage is dramatically different?

General / Re: Cross-platform building from source code
« on: July 24, 2023, 05:57:34 pm »

The easiest way to build for all major platforms is to use the official project template. It uses CMake so it works on all OSes. To be clear, this project automatically crosscompile your projects, but it does mean you can use the same code and build it on a different OS to get an executable for that particular OS. No need to write separate build scripts for each OS.

General discussions / Re: Mutual following on the Fediverse!
« on: July 05, 2023, 04:56:30 am »
I'm at ChrisThrasher@mastodon.social but don't currently check it much. Maybe I'll use it more in the future, I'm not sure.

SFML development / Re: SFML Roadmap
« on: June 28, 2023, 01:32:35 am »
I like this updated roadmap. We just merged yet another 2.6.1 fix so please keep using and testing 2.6.0 to find whatever remaining quirks there are so we can get them cleaned up.

When it comes to 3.0.0, I think the C++17-ification changes are almost done. Certainly there are no more big C++17 features to use. The remaining language usage upgrades are minor and/or can be done after 3.0.0 ships if need be.

As for API-breaking changes, those are harder to predict but I'd like to think most API changes are also done although some of the remaining API changes planned are pretty tough to write and test so don't expect them to get completed soon. My personal goal is to tentatively finish all these API breaks by the end of 2023 so we have time to let the API sit in a stable state while the final testing push occurs.

I expect we need on the order of >3 months of a stable API to be certain that what've written can withstand the test of time. I'm not sure where the other maintainers are at, but I'd like to ship 3.0.0 in the first few months of '24, hopefully soon enough to get it shipped into Ubuntu 24 LTS but that may be tough if we can't freeze the API by approximately November of this year.

General / Re: Help with Setting up SFML 2.6 with CodeBlocks 20.03
« on: June 26, 2023, 08:45:48 pm »
IS there a tutorial or any advice on getting this done.

Yes, Exploiter already gave the advice to use the CMake template here: https://github.com/SFML/cmake-sfml-project. Follow the instructions in the README. It uses normal CMake workflows so if you're familiar with CMake, this will just automatically work. It works on all OSes with all compilers and all IDEs.

General discussions / Re: Just wanted to say Thanks
« on: June 20, 2023, 10:19:46 pm »
I can't take credit for most of SFML but I'm still very happy to hear the kind words :)

SFML projects / Re: Selba Ward
« on: June 20, 2023, 10:18:39 pm »
So cool to see people building on top of v3!

Graphics / Re: Using sf::Text and sf::Font in Windows ×64 MinGW
« on: May 30, 2023, 09:49:49 pm »

If you come over to the Discord server you can get some help on this. There's a number of potential reasons you have linker errors

Window / Re: Clock in sf:Window
« on: May 17, 2023, 09:10:47 pm »

It's so funny you bring this up because I made this very PR yesterday! Please give this a thumbs up or approval if it's something you'd use.

SFML development / Re: RenderStates const ref in draw()
« on: May 10, 2023, 07:44:30 pm »

The previous version meant all draw calls necessarily copied RenderStates. Now that copy only happens when required. You have to explicitly make a copy if you want a copy but you're not forced to pay the price of that copy if you don't need it.

Is it a given that we still need 3 window types for the three use cases currently covered by WindowBase, Window, and RenderWindow? If we drop one of those use cases then I can see ways to simplify things but if we still need to support all three then I'm not sure what improvements are viable.

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