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Messages - Mars_999

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
SFML projects / Re: 'Tiled' Tile-map Loader
« on: April 16, 2015, 08:27:25 am »
Matt, Please check the latest comment on github from me about FPS and maps...


Anyone else here have an ideas for code they have updated the project with to help speed up render FPS?

SFML projects / Re: Thor 2.0
« on: August 30, 2014, 12:51:15 am »
Not trying to be rude and get off my back about etiquette, I know all about it, I have been watching SFML since before 1.6 even and been watching Thor since before 2.0 was coming and was pumped about the possibilities, I just not getting any younger and with my health failing I would like to make something before I get worse...

Anyway I am not getting into some debate about this crap so don't expect me to reply to anymore comments about these postings.

And yes Nexus thanks A MILLION for the great lib. Just got it working and built it from Cmake builds. Finally your lib and current state of SFML are so much better to work with then others projects in the past when I was trying out SFML what a nightmare, Cmake builds had errors stuff wouldn't compile. So again thank you very much and if I lived by you I would buy you a few beers! :)

SFML projects / Re: Thor 2.0
« on: August 29, 2014, 08:06:34 pm »
Whoops nevermind find out you need to download your header only project. Not sure if this is stated on the front page of the Thor page but would be useful to say so a list of requirements maybe...

Thanks trying it now!!

SFML projects / Re: Thor 2.0
« on: August 29, 2014, 08:01:00 pm »
Now I get this error on using the Thor build in my project...

1>C:\Programming\Thor-master\include\Thor/Config.hpp(32): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Aurora/Config.hpp': No such file or directory

I dont' even see Aurora listed in the master directory?

BTW glad that you are using Cmake and it actually works where most projects it's a hit or miss deal... SO thanks for keeping this clean and workable at least for me.

Please advise on the Aurora/config.h issue...

SFML projects / Re: Thor 2.0
« on: August 29, 2014, 07:45:06 pm »
yes I have been waiting

SFML projects / Re: Thor 2.0
« on: August 29, 2014, 07:44:41 pm »

-> SFML directory not found. Set SFML_ROOT to SFML's top-level path (containing "include" and "lib" directories).
-> Make sure the SFML libraries with the same configuration (Release/Debug, Static/Dynamic) exist.

Configuring done

error I get on cmake build....

SFML projects / Re: Thor 2.0
« on: August 29, 2014, 07:25:58 pm »
Please post link to binaries and source download page...

I don't use any SVN or other way of getting these builds and don't want to hassle with that stuff. I just want to grab and use these libs I don't have time to learn the whole detailed process of grabbing these projects...

I would need VC++ 2013 binaries...


SFML projects / Re: Thor 2.0
« on: August 29, 2014, 03:57:51 pm »
When is Thor2.0 going to be done, sorry but I been watching it for years and still nothing is final? This sucks... Please finish it so one can use it in 2.0 final state...


General discussions / Re: A new logo for SFML
« on: April 09, 2013, 12:27:49 pm »
My vote 3rd one with symbol

General discussions / Re: A new logo for SFML
« on: April 09, 2013, 02:09:13 am »
How about sigma to denote sumation as SFML has it all!!!!

SFML projects / Re: SFGUI
« on: August 23, 2012, 02:05:20 am »
Infact dropping SFML at least for the rendering part gives us some benefits: We don't have to pay attention at SFML's limitations/ways of doing certain things. The renderer already has nearly nothing in common with SFML's rendering abstraction layer, so it's just logical to drop the dependency completely (as eXpl0it3r said, SFGUI can be used in other OpenGL-powered games/programs too then). However this is not very high on the todo list.

Of course we don't drop the OpenGL dependency -- not sure if you were asking that. ;)

PLEASE, please finish up the drop down box multi line scroll bar I sent in moths ago as a feature before you head off on that direction I been patiently waiting for it.....
Multiline dropdown box? That doesn't make much sense. I guess you just mean a scrollbar for dropdown box lists that are too large to fit on the screen?

Correct, e.g.is when I have a video mode selection drop downbox, there are  a lot of screensizes to choose from... need to have the ability to scroll.

And yes, my point was DO not drop OpenGL as the rendering API. I would like to see you drop SFML as the drawing API as you could move to GLEW as it should be... :)

SFML projects / Re: SFGUI
« on: August 12, 2012, 05:32:53 pm »
Ok, I agree abstract out the input, logic side of the SFGUI lib, but you don't need to abstract out the rendering engine unless you want to have BREW, and allow the user to make their own engine, which IMO just keep using OpenGL as the rendering API as it is the only cross platform API, as your time is limited already and would be a waste to change that.

PLEASE, please finish up the drop down box multi line scroll bar I sent in moths ago as a feature before you head off on that direction I been patiently waiting for it..... :)


SFML projects / Re: SFGUI
« on: August 11, 2012, 03:56:22 pm »
Yeah it would be nice to get SFGUI to an actual release and was drop in a play easy... Someday....
- Waiting for SFML2 to get stable (as in stable *release*), if we decide to keep sticking with it... ;)

And by that you mean? You will be using something else? Just curious...

SFML projects / Re: SFGUI
« on: July 22, 2012, 01:51:29 am »
Yeah it would be nice to get SFGUI to an actual release and was drop in a play easy... Someday....

SFML wiki / Re: Game Engine tutorial
« on: July 06, 2012, 06:39:55 pm »
Just wanted to chime in and say you can use the wizard in codeblocks to setup a project default... I would recommend you install C::B and do this and post this wizard file so people can just download that and run Gator easily without any hassles...

If you do this I will give it a shot also...


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