SFML projects / M.A.R.S. - a random shooter
« on: November 26, 2010, 06:33:56 pm »Quote from: "Svenstaro"
You are still linking against libjpeg.so.62 in your new build, btw. How do you create the windows builds?
Also, please link against the new sfml so names in your premake file. Currently it tries to find sfml2*.so which doesn't represent upstream.
Can you also make an install target for your premake file and add an INSTALL or README file with build instructions?
Late edit: Here, I packaged your game for Arch (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=43905)
I'm a TU and I will create an official package once you guys have a stable release. Also, sfml2 needs to make a stable release first before this can happen.
We have a few questions about your post so Simon is going to write you an email.
Best regards,