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Messages - Father_Sloth

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
General / A few Questions..
« on: October 31, 2010, 11:18:04 am »
Thank you all very much :D.

Yes this is for pong but pong is just for me getting used to the library (as Priomsrb suggested). Immediatly after this I will implement this code into my ultimate project (for the moment at least :D ) which as you can see on page one will be a zombie top down shooter. I'm gonna keep this thread open until it's done and believe me will be asking questions throughout. Thank you for your patience with me and keep on Rocking.


Side note: Should I
1) Make the walls in like paint and just load them as a sprite.
2) Construct them using a simple shape made by SFML.
3) Do Number 1 but load them as an Image?

General / A few Questions..
« on: October 30, 2010, 10:27:42 pm »
sorry i didn't understand what you said last in that bit but could you write an example code? just so I get wat your saying.

General / A few Questions..
« on: October 30, 2010, 09:18:26 pm »
thanks. I'm trying currently on the pong collision and I want to do something like this:

Code: [Select]
bool collison;

int angle, response_angle;

bool collision = false;

if (bool collision = true)
// Detect what angle it hit the boundary.


// Send the ball in the direction of the bounce.

Sprite.Move( //get it to go in response_angle direction.


Now that's just me trying to explain how I kinda guess the formats gonna be. Just so you don't think i'm being lazy and stuff.... :D

Heres a diagram:


General / Xcode Compile Help (Screenshots) [SOLVED]
« on: October 30, 2010, 08:02:34 pm »
Thanks a tonne Mate. You really have helped - Finally this thing compiles.

Moral of the story. Find a helpful forum and anything can be achieved.


General / Xcode Compile Help (Screenshots) [SOLVED]
« on: October 30, 2010, 03:32:07 pm »
sorry I don't understand - could you do some quick screen shots running me through it? It's really hard to visualise as I'm pretty crap at mac os x

General / Xcode Compile Help (Screenshots) [SOLVED]
« on: October 30, 2010, 03:09:26 pm »
Ok thanks a lot mate.

also I've got one last file that I don't know what to do with?


General / Xcode Compile Help (Screenshots) [SOLVED]
« on: October 30, 2010, 02:14:21 pm »
Thank you so much. Do I just put the correct files in each then hey presto!

Thanks for the tolerance and patience guys!


Also one final question: What did you place in the final SFML.framework

General / Xcode Compile Help (Screenshots) [SOLVED]
« on: October 30, 2010, 12:20:57 pm »
Sorry but iI'm really struggling on this. When ever I try dragging it onto the project red writing it just ass it to the text and does not allow me to add it to the red headers. I then tried right clicking on them and adding the existing files to them. That just added it to the project but not physically to the red file. I have also now installed it in the write place and renamed the file "SFML" (included in the "Include" folder) "sfml.framework" and now the only file that recognises it is, well see for yourself:

These are a few pics to explain:

Sorry this message was so lengthy but this problem is really draining my energy and programming time + the fact I can't compile yet is annoying.

Yours Sincerely


General / A few Questions..
« on: October 29, 2010, 09:46:47 pm »
Well in the example source code this keeps popping up

Code: [Select]
const float Speed = 50.f;
float Left = 0.f;
float Top  = 0.f;

and I'm just stumped on what ' .f ' is. It's probably something obvious and I'm just being an idiot :roll: .


p.s. I haven't figured out the Xcode compile error but I think I'm getting to bottom of it on this new thread I started : http://www.sfml-dev.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3447

General / Xcode Compile Help (Screenshots) [SOLVED]
« on: October 29, 2010, 09:34:41 pm »
I'm pretty sure I did this step but I'll re check it.

Yes they are red ^^^^


General / Xcode Compile Help (Screenshots) [SOLVED]
« on: October 29, 2010, 06:19:45 pm »
thanks for the reply.

I'm Pretty sure theirs nothing wrong with my installation, although I'm not sure where my framework should be? I did what the tutorial says - it just doesn't mention anything about this.


General / Xcode Compile Help (Screenshots) [SOLVED]
« on: October 29, 2010, 05:49:49 pm »

I'm trying to compile the basic sfml prgram and it keeps coming up with compile errors. At first it was saying I had all these errors in the code (12 to be precise) and then Priomsrb narrowed it down to I did not locate the headers in the Search path. How do I do this? I keep getting this when I did the search path thing or maybe I'm just doing it wrong:

When i try and fix it:

When I don't:

Many Thanks


General / A few Questions..
« on: October 29, 2010, 03:45:45 pm »
So do I need to add it to my Header Search Path, Library Path or Framework Path?


p.s. also just a little question about sfml. I am reading the tutorials and I keep on seeing this " .f " - what does it mean?

General / A few Questions..
« on: October 29, 2010, 10:59:54 am »
Thank you very much Priomsrb for that. I will do that today and post my results later. Also I included al the headers but am I missing one? I did this

are there any extra's I should include?


General / A few Questions..
« on: October 28, 2010, 11:15:33 pm »
ok thanks tank. So is there a trick or fast way to add collision to walls on a map with out drawing each wall as a sprite? I want to make map's indoors but with an outside view as well (just to give it a tad more realism). Also I'm all of a sudden struggling to compile. I'm following all the details of the tutorial precisely (btw I'm using xcode on a mac). But every time I build and run, even the just the code that it provides in the template it says loads of errors and doesn't start.

heres a screenshot:

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