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Messages - CJ_COIMBRA

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SFML projects / Re: Chesster [SFML Puzzle Game]
« on: April 16, 2013, 02:58:06 pm »
I am using sf::Image because I'm sticking with 1.6 for now. Maybe that's a good reason to migrate...

SFML projects / Re: Chesster [SFML Puzzle Game]
« on: April 16, 2013, 02:22:21 pm »
A few parts of the game work this way already (loading when necessary), but the core still not (because I need to refactor some critical stuff before in order to do so).

SFML projects / Re: Chesster [SFML Puzzle Game]
« on: April 16, 2013, 02:01:54 pm »
Hi and thanks for the feedback, Nexus.

The issue with the total score is known and I will fix it before the final release. It's actually a visual problem only with the animated score counting. The score that is displayed in the end, after the animated counting stops, this one is correct (the other higher amount is not).

A few builds ago, one had to click the piece to select and then click again to land it. Now it works better if you just drag and drop the piece. I forgot to remove that warning of the right button. If you drop over an invalid tile, it will reset to the original tile.

The score definitely needs balancing. There's someone else taking care of it. But if you care enough, you can change the values in a txt config file under the Config subfolder.

One thing that I couldn't fix yet, and will eventually cause major problems is the memory consumption. The first idea that crosses my mind is to version the assets to lower resolutions since all assets are compliant with full HD.

Thanks again.

SFML projects / Re: first SFML game
« on: April 14, 2013, 04:27:26 pm »
Congrats for finishing your first game!
On a second moment maybe you could implement obstacles, like a maze, and a timer so that the grass would respawn in a different location. Just an idea!

Keep pushing forward

SFML projects / Re: Chesster [SFML Puzzle Game]
« on: April 14, 2013, 04:23:39 pm »
I made a few progress with the Windows/PC version and here is link if anyone wants to test it:



SFML projects / Re: Chesster [SFML Puzzle Game]
« on: March 30, 2013, 02:24:16 pm »
Hi there.

After a long while I am posting and updated version of my project for OSX users only. This is because we are close to a definitive demo now and I wanted to level the OSX version together with the stable Windows version (which I'll post here in a couple weeks).

So if you are a mac user and cares about puzzle games, would you kindly test this build of my project? Any feedback would be appreciated! If you click something on the menu and nothing happens it's probably disabled because of issues between win/mac port I am still figuring out.

Chesster OSX

And this is the link to our most recent update on Indiedb

Edit: I've included my own progress on the Puzzle mode so if you want to play from the very first puzzle, then overwrite your local "puzzle_selection.txt" file with the one attached. It's located on the "Config" folder.


[attachment deleted by admin]

SFML projects / Re: Chesster [SFML Puzzle Game]
« on: August 11, 2012, 08:30:43 pm »
I´ve uploaded a new intermediate build:


It´s not the official 2nd demo, but I´d like anyone interested to test it.
Lots of bugs fixed... lots of new bugs!
A few new features:
- three levels
- unique treasures for each level
- save/load (after level 1)
- some new animations
- new score frame layout
- dinamic score couting (a bit buggy yet)
- a decent looking loading screen
- new background musics (now from the definitive composer)

It´s running very high on memory (350 ~ 400 MB), I am still figuring out how to optimize that...

SFML projects / Re: CosmoScroll - space shooter game
« on: July 24, 2012, 02:43:54 pm »
Everything works good. Maybe you could make the player´s ship slide a little bit, some kind of inertia? And also you could make the player´s ship collider smaller so it´s harder to get hit. But it´s just my feeling maybe I am a bad space shooter player!  :D

SFML projects / Re: Chesster [SFML Puzzle Game]
« on: May 14, 2012, 02:04:37 pm »
Also, maybe if you are going to keep providing new builds how about leave the graphics out of the new downloads if the graphics have not changed as MediaFire has bandwith limits on downloads and my crap internet has a very small daily download limit.

Good point. I´ll do that next time. It´s just that recently the graphics changed so much that it became automatic for me to put the new gfx folders. Perhaps if I just provide the same gfx folder with only the new graphics (when they are needed) in the right path, it will ask you to merge the folders...

SFML projects / Re: The Followers!
« on: May 14, 2012, 02:01:02 pm »
Nice, it´s very fun!

Sometimes I had the impression that the enemies were getting killed without me doing anything. Also if you hide behind some grave, they won´t get you. Is this highscore online or just local?

Great job!

SFML projects / Re: Chesster [SFML Puzzle Game]
« on: May 14, 2012, 02:02:06 am »
Here is the latest build so you can try:

Lots of things to do yet.

SFML projects / Re: COSMAGERS - new 2D MMORPG developing
« on: May 11, 2012, 02:18:51 pm »
Very nice! I loved the constructor.

SFML projects / Re: Kukatz 3D
« on: May 11, 2012, 02:10:47 pm »
As far as I could go the GUI looks good but I couldn´t find the "play". Maybe you could handle some translations here so we can find the right option!

I also did a snake clone with SFML for a college paper, but it was 2D.

SFML projects / Re: Chesster [SFML Puzzle Game]
« on: May 10, 2012, 02:13:23 pm »
I managed to spawn the last treasure with 100 demand but I was already in the last turn so I couldn't capture it.

On the respawn, I did some work to prevent the respawned pieces to match with previously existing pieces (actually it's the same code of the game start)... if they are matching, then it is a bug! However when pieces fall down, they can  match with others. The plan is also to have a % of each kind of piece to spawn (so that you don't get too many valuable pieces or too few) and make it progressively difficult along the levels.

On the treasures, we will need to experiment different ways of handling their spawn.  The way it stands today was just faster to implement.

I am aware of this button bug. I let it pass for now because it wasn't killing the app or anything. One thing I also need to do is to rework the loading of the game.

We won't build another demo for some weeks, but I can provide you with the build I am currently working if you like.

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