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Messages - Ankou

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Graphics / Draw on wxWidgets with double-Buffering
« on: March 26, 2008, 04:54:58 pm »
I want to draw on a control with SFML and wxWidgets(I need SFML there but I also have to draw primitives like lines, so I have to use the normal wxWidgets drawing, too).
It works fine as long as I use wxPaintDC, but when I use wxBufferedPaintDC I can't draw with sfml.
But I need double buffering? What shall I do?

Graphics / Delete sf::Image in destructor?
« on: March 26, 2008, 01:30:41 pm »
yes that's it. I found and simplified the problem.
The following Code works:
Code: [Select]

class A
    sf::Image* test;
    A() : test(NULL)
      test = new sf::Image();
      delete test;
      test = NULL;
int main()
  boost::shared_ptr<A> a = boost::shared_ptr<A>(new A());

This following does not!:
Code: [Select]

class A
    sf::Image* test;
    A() : test(NULL)
      test = new sf::Image();
      delete test;
      test = NULL;
boost::shared_ptr<A> a;
int main()
  a = boost::shared_ptr<A>(new A());

But it shouldn't be a problem because I only use global variables for testing so I have just to remove the test and implement the real code and it should work

Graphics / Delete sf::Image in destructor?
« on: March 26, 2008, 03:07:24 am »
It was just for testing purposes first I had a Smart Pointer.
The std::string was just to test if it is only with sf::Image or with every object and yes, it seems only to happen with sf::Images(I also added another image to test if I do any stuff with it)
But yes it doesn't happen in general, in another testing class I could delete it without problems.
But sf::image is still the only case, so it has to do something with it, I just don't know what.
So I asked if anybody knows one possible reason for this behaviour...
It's late, I'm tired please excuse my horrible english...

Graphics / Delete sf::Image in destructor?
« on: March 25, 2008, 11:04:53 pm »
I have an sf::image created with new in the constructorcode of my object.
For testing purposes I have created an std::string with new at the same location.
When I'm deleting the sf::image in the destructor I get an access violation(I'm not using this object in any place I just created and deleted it)
It's not a problem with my class, because I can delete the string without problems.
So how can I delete the sf::Image without an access violation?(I have the same problem with an Smart Pointer(boost::shared_ptr) or when not using a pointer at all.

Graphics / how do I use sf::Image::LoadFromMemory correctly?
« on: February 28, 2008, 07:01:31 pm »
I'm using LoadFromMemory, because I want to put more then one image in a file, this code was just a test, if I can get it working.
And your code works, but what's the keydifference between your code and mine?

Graphics / how do I use sf::Image::LoadFromMemory correctly?
« on: February 28, 2008, 05:35:14 pm »
I tried the following
Code: [Select]

  std::ifstream file("C:\\Main\\Tools\\RMXP\\RTP\\Graphics\\Tilesets\\001-Grassland01.png");
  int size = FileSize("C:\\Main\\Tools\\RMXP\\RTP\\Graphics\\Tilesets\\001-Grassland01.png");
  char* image = new char[size];
  file.get(image, size);
  sf::Image img;
  img.LoadFromMemory(image, size);

But it doesn't work (Image not of any known type or corrupt), the file is okay, so what do I have to do to load an image from Memory?

Graphics / Does the images need to have sizes, which are power of two
« on: February 26, 2008, 10:00:47 pm »
I think/hope the title is enough to understand my question.
And thanks :)

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