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Topics - slotdev

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Graphics / Image::LoadFromFile very slow
« on: May 15, 2011, 10:45:26 pm »

I've just started implementing SFML and so far, VERY IMPRESSED!

I'm loading 5x 2048x2048 PNG images, then creating sprites from them. It works just fine, but loading the actual files is very slow (~12 seconds for all 5). On the "other" library I used to use, this was very fast, maybe 3 seconds total for all 5 files. The files are between 650k and 3.3mb (some are almost empty files).

I guess it's not the actual loading, but the decompression into memory that takes the time?

Can someone help?

Many Thanks

General discussions / Can SFML do.....
« on: May 11, 2011, 10:00:09 am »

I'm totally new here, and am looking at SFML to replace another so-called "simple" API. From the documentation, SFML looks fantastic.

The projects I work on have some quite specific requirements - and looking through the docs I'm not clear if it can do what I need, so here's hoping someone experienced can tell me :)

1. Drawing from large tiles: I use 2048x2048 PNGs which need to be loaded when the game starts, and then create images/sprites from those. Each game has around 500 graphical elements, so, that's a lot of file to load individually!

2. Scaling: We use different screen resolutions, from 1024x768 up to 1600x1050. Each frame needs to be created in a buffer, and then rendered at whatever size is necessary. Can SFML do this? Also what scaling algorithms does it have (it needs to be v. high quality - no blockiness).

3. Rendering: What rendering back-end does SFML use - I assume it's always OpenGL? This is related to point 2 really.

4. I assume SFML supports fullscreen and multiple windows (I think so if I read the docs right??).

I think that's it for now :) Looking forward to getting stuck in to some code!


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