Hi all,
I am working on a new project!
It is a game engine, built on top SFML.
The aim is to make programming easier without taking away freedom or functionality.
For this reason I have opted for a component-based architecture.For example, there is an eventsystem, resource manager, and collision detector that can be used separately from each other.
I also chose not to include any external dependencies. This is to make both the compiling and the distribution to easier!
The project is hosted on Google Code:
http://code.google.com/p/sfgengine/The source contains many comments and documenation is generated by Doxygen. (You can check the docs download under the Downloads tab).
Here's my blog where I frequently post updates:
http://n1ghtly.blogspot.com/Let me know what you think!
PS: This is my first attempt at designing a game engine. Feel free to tear it apart and tell me how much it sucks. I'm here to learn.
PS: Does anyone know a license where the user is entirely free and can do anything with the source, but must give credit?