What exactly were the problems with the existing wiki entry? We've now got duplicated topics with just little differences.
When was the last time you followed that documentation from scratch? There's too many issues and a lack of information for any beginner.
Why do you install MinGW?The Android NDK provides complete GCC/Clang environments for all supported targets (including "make", which can be invoked using "cmake --build path". Nothing from MinGW should be used during the build.
It's good to know this, I figured as you were using Linux - the make utility was system supplied.
Why do you install Android Studio? You only need the Android SDK, which standalone is smaller (300MB vs. 1.7GB) and without overhead (you're not creating an Android Studio project after all).
Gotcha, I see how they now bundle them. Thank you.
I merely wanted to post a guide for others who can't find a straightforward working method of getting SFML compiled with the example. There was no information on that wiki about the NDK version supported (12b). Upon failing at certain points, there was no clean method provided for a subsequent attempt.
I wanted to be able to compile and get a working example up swiftly, not the hours of assumptions & failure.
I hope you can understand.