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Messages - fixus971

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6
Feature requests / Gui package
« on: September 17, 2008, 01:43:08 pm »

I found in "CEGUI.log" that it can't found a font file.

Now run all well with new style.

Feature requests / Gui package
« on: September 17, 2008, 11:26:39 am »
Hi, I'm steel working on SFML and CeGUI using example in SFML Wiki and is ok but now I changed it to use "TaharezLook.scheme" and get strange error.
Code: [Select]

VC9 stop on load scheme with "Eccezione non gestita a 0x7c812aeb in Fixopoly_Debug.exe: Eccezione di Microsoft C++: CEGUI::InvalidRequestException nella posizione di memoria 0x001266b8."

I try to compare that 2 schemes (normal/TaharezLook) but dont found particular changes or needed files.

I try to copy in bin dir many files of original TaharezLook Cegui scheme but without any result.

I try also to look at Cegui example that use TaharezLook but don't found nothing.

Now Cegui site is offline..

Can you tell me somethings? Thanks.

SFML website / Peerguardian block SFML site
« on: September 16, 2008, 07:53:08 am »
Hi. I fond 2 post in a p2p forum where spoke about that problem..
not for SFML but other case.
The story isn't clear and no solution was found.
Looking in PeerGuardian I found that the packet
is signed as outgoing packet vs Copyright-agency.com/co-peer-right agency.
I don't know well PeerGuardian but see that slow down many sites but..
for now blocking onli SFML.
Today PeerGuardian announce me that it was auto killed ^_^ (internal problem) booo
Have a Good day.. bye-bye

Network / Can I use client socket grabbed by selector to send data?
« on: September 15, 2008, 01:56:36 pm »
About tutorial: http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/1.3/network-selector.php

I have a small server of a game with 4 player..
I need to send data from game server to player client only when some data change and not as response to a client question.
I try to extract client socket from selector but don't found how so..

Go all right if i make a copy of client socket in

Code: [Select]
       if (socket==mListener)
            sf::IPAddress address;
            sf::SocketTCP client;
            mListener.Accept(client, &address);
clients[iSender++] = client;

How can I store it? Pointers or copy in other socket?


SFML website / Peerguardian block SFML site
« on: September 15, 2008, 10:51:20 am »
Hi I have installed PeerGuardian2
and now I can't see SFML site as if it offline.
In blocking list I see  Copyright-agency.com/co-peer-right agency
If I give permission to it all go ok.

Graphics / Draw(Text) performance issue
« on: August 24, 2008, 12:12:23 pm »
Sorry boys.
I usually get SDK version..
Yesterday I was tired and get "SFML development files" of ver1.3 instead of "SVN sources".
My sentence "..and recompile all" was referred only to my source.

You don't plain to update 1.3 version?

Graphics / Draw(Text) performance issue
« on: August 24, 2008, 10:45:08 am »
Hi Sir.
Yesterday I try svn source but without different results.
I just put svn include/lib dirs into sfml 1.3 sdk and recompile all.
I'm using VC9.
Now I'm working using wstringstream.

Graphics / Appending text
« on: August 23, 2008, 12:38:48 pm »
Hi. I'm just study the problem because now I use VisualStudio9 and with it get the "Slow SetText conversion"  problem.. I have a lot of small text to write.

For who need a more C++ style solution I can propose this:

Code: [Select]

std::wstringstream swss;
swss << mID;                   // int mID
sf::String sfs( swss.str() );  // dt=0.010
// using std::stringstream     // dt=0.060
// without this instruction    // dt=0.006

Graphics / Draw(Text) performance issue
« on: August 23, 2008, 11:46:47 am »
Hi boys.. I have the same problem and read all but not see results..
I'm using SFML 1.3 too as wrote on first post.

updated/fixed SFML Code that work faster with SetText
is 1.3 or is in SVN source?? :?:


Feature requests / Gui package
« on: August 08, 2008, 11:50:09 pm »
Thanks Wizzard!
but no results..


I'm try to link the correct libraries in correct order.
sfml libraries as in a my previous project:

I think that the problem was in CEgui: 9 libraries..
how can I found correct order?
    <Add library="glu32" />
                   <Add library="pcre_d" />
                   <Add library="CEGUIBase_Static_d" />
                   <Add library="CEGUIExpatParser_Static_d" />
                   <Add library="expat_d" />
                   <Add library="CEGUISILLYImageCodec_Static_d" />
                   <Add library="SILLY_d" />
                   <Add library="OpenGLGUIRenderer_Static_d" />
                   <Add library="CEGUIFalagardWRBase_Static_d" />

Feature requests / Gui package
« on: August 08, 2008, 07:50:42 pm »
Hi Pamaury. Thanks but I just try your IMGUI and I need more and more complete interface.

x Kreeg: I found file but now I have a strage error
Code: [Select]

E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|24|undefined reference to `CEGUI::OpenGLRenderer::OpenGLRenderer(unsigned int, int, int, CEGUI::ImageCodec*)'|

I imported vc project/solution using codeblocks and add search directories

Other errors:

Code: [Select]
||=== sfmlCEGUI, Debug Win32 ===|
E:\E\P\CEGUI\include\CEGUIEvent.h|210|warning: unused parameter 'other'|
obj\Debug Win32\src\GUIManager.o||In function `ZN10GUIManager10InitializeEPN2sf12RenderWindowE':|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|24|undefined reference to `CEGUI::OpenGLRenderer::OpenGLRenderer(unsigned int, int, int, CEGUI::ImageCodec*)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|25|undefined reference to `CEGUI::System::System(CEGUI::Renderer*, CEGUI::ResourceProvider*, CEGUI::XMLParser*, CEGUI::ScriptModule*, CEGUI::String const&, CEGUI::String const&)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|25|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|25|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|25|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|25|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|26|undefined reference to `CEGUI::SchemeManager::loadScheme(CEGUI::String const&, CEGUI::String const&)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|26|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|26|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|26|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|26|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|27|undefined reference to `CEGUI::FontManager::createFont(CEGUI::String const&, CEGUI::String const&)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|27|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|27|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|27|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|27|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|29|undefined reference to `CEGUI::System::setDefaultMouseCursor(CEGUI::String const&, CEGUI::String const&)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|29|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|29|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|29|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|29|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
obj\Debug Win32\src\GUIManager.o||In function `ZN10GUIManager11handleEventERN2sf5EventE':|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|45|undefined reference to `CEGUI::System::injectChar(unsigned int)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|47|undefined reference to `CEGUI::System::injectKeyDown(unsigned int)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|49|undefined reference to `CEGUI::System::injectKeyUp(unsigned int)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|51|undefined reference to `CEGUI::System::injectMousePosition(float, float)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|53|undefined reference to `CEGUI::System::injectMouseButtonDown(CEGUI::MouseButton)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|55|undefined reference to `CEGUI::System::injectMouseButtonUp(CEGUI::MouseButton)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|57|undefined reference to `CEGUI::System::injectMouseWheelChange(float)'|
obj\Debug Win32\src\GUIManager.o||In function `ZN10GUIManager4DrawEv':|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|64|undefined reference to `CEGUI::System::renderGUI()'|
obj\Debug Win32\src\GUIManager.o||In function `ZNSt4pairISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS_IKN2sf3Key4CodeEN5CEGUI3Key4ScanEEEbEC1ERKS9_RKb':|
C:\MinGW\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.5\..\..\..\..\include\c++\3.4.5\bits\stl_tree.h:(.text$_ZNK5CEGUI6String5c_strEv[CEGUI::String::c_str() const]+0xd)||undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::build_utf8_buff() const'|
 unsigned int)]+0x14)||undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::grow(unsigned int)'|
::getSingleton()]+0x8)||undefined reference to `CEGUI::Singleton<CEGUI::SchemeManager>::ms_Singleton'|
::getSingleton()]+0x2c)||undefined reference to `CEGUI::Singleton<CEGUI::SchemeManager>::ms_Singleton'|
::getSingleton()]+0x8)||undefined reference to `CEGUI::Singleton<CEGUI::FontManager>::ms_Singleton'|
::getSingleton()]+0x2c)||undefined reference to `CEGUI::Singleton<CEGUI::FontManager>::ms_Singleton'|
::getSingletonPtr()]+0x4)||undefined reference to `CEGUI::Singleton<CEGUI::WindowManager>::ms_Singleton'|
obj\Debug Win32\src\App.o||In function `ZN3App10InitializeEv':|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|24|undefined reference to `CEGUI::WindowManager::createWindow(CEGUI::String const&, CEGUI::String const&, CEGUI::String const&)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|24|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|24|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|24|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|24|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|24|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
obj\Debug Win32\src\App.o:E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|24|more undefined references to `CEGUI::String::~String()' follow|
obj\Debug Win32\src\App.o||In function `ZN3App10InitializeEv':|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|25|undefined reference to `CEGUI::Window::setMinSize(CEGUI::UVector2 const&)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|26|undefined reference to `CEGUI::Window::setSize(CEGUI::UVector2 const&)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|27|undefined reference to `CEGUI::Window::setPosition(CEGUI::UVector2 const&)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|28|undefined reference to `CEGUI::Window::setText(CEGUI::String const&)'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|28|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|28|undefined reference to `CEGUI::String::~String()'|
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\App.cpp|29|undefined reference to `CEGUI::FrameWindow::EventCloseClicked'|
||More errors follow but not being shown.|
||Edit the max errors limit in compiler options...|
||=== Build finished: 50 errors, 89 warnings ===|

Feature requests / Comunity Wiky: "Using CEGUI In SFML"
« on: August 08, 2008, 03:17:50 pm »
:P I found this great article in
Comunity Wiky: "Using CEGUI In SFML"

Now I'm trying to use it with Code::Blocks
 but get some compiler problem as:
Code: [Select]
Include\GUIManager.h|5|openglrenderer.h: No such file or directory|

I just setup search directory as explained in article.

Now, I fonud missed file in:

And now get other error:
Code: [Select]
E:\E\P\sfmlCEGUI\src\GUIManager.cpp|24|undefined reference to `CEGUI::OpenGLRenderer::OpenGLRenderer(unsigned int, int, int, CEGUI::ImageCodec*)'|

Thanks for any info

Graphics / Sprite Offset different from Center
« on: July 29, 2008, 09:30:18 am »
1000 Thanks Laurent, I'll go to try sf::View that can be a good solution for my application that at the end need 2 similar view in one window. bye-bye

Graphics / Sprite Offset different from Center
« on: July 29, 2008, 08:21:02 am »
Hi. Is possible to have a sprite offset different from sprite center?

I use sprite.setposition in absolute mode and not in relative
 so at every frame I have to add an offset.

Now I use setcenter for this but if next I have to rotate the sprite what I get?

In alternative there is a mode to set an offset for all sprites or an offset of render window?


General / Debug: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault
« on: July 28, 2008, 08:28:33 am »
Hi Puck.

All SFML programs run well on my PC.
Only when try to use GDB debugger(breakpoints) I get SigSegV.
Do you use that?


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