SFML projects / Particles!
« on: March 09, 2008, 01:14:53 pm »
I have derived my ParticleSystem class from sf::Drawable and written my own rendering function. i did this to be able to optimize the drawing of multiple particles with the same texture/material. (less texture switches = greater speed).
hmm been a while since i posted this.. not much have happened visually now I have mostly been working on getting a nice file format for loading particle systems and optimizing it a bit.. next step would be to get rid of immediate mode OpenGL rendering ... but I really suck at OpenGL so we wil lsee how long it will take to get it done .. probably a while
hmm been a while since i posted this.. not much have happened visually now I have mostly been working on getting a nice file format for loading particle systems and optimizing it a bit.. next step would be to get rid of immediate mode OpenGL rendering ... but I really suck at OpenGL so we wil lsee how long it will take to get it done .. probably a while