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Messages - K.F

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The book is about making 3 games according to op, so I see no reason to assume they won't learn anything significant. Plus, it is called "Beginning C++ Game Programming", it does not claim to be comprehensive, and once you learn the basics, it's much easier to research all other topics on your own.

Anyway, unless we read the book, we can't judge it wither way, it might be great beginner's book, it might be terrible and confusing, but the reviewers seem very happy with it.

As such, I wonder why it is considered a good approach to teach both C++ and game development at the same time.

It depends on why they want to learn C++ to begin with. Some people just want to learn it to make their dream game they always wanted to make, and that's the end of the their relationship with C++. If a book has all the knowledge they need to do that, then that's a valid learning choice for them.

Not everyone needs to learn every in and out of the language to use it. Although if someone wanted to become a professional programmer, there are better ways to learn for sure.

General discussions / Re: SFML Background and Splash Screens
« on: December 02, 2016, 01:25:48 pm »
I'd love to.

General discussions / Re: SFML Background and Splash Screens
« on: December 01, 2016, 10:42:41 pm »
Indeed, they look awesome! May I use them for a commercial project?

Thanks, and sure, go ahead.

General discussions / Re: SFML Background and Splash Screens
« on: November 08, 2016, 02:24:25 am »
It's not just harder, it is mathematically impossible, not without distorted and rotated pentagons or adding other shapes, which looks uglier - to me -, and defeats the point.

General discussions / Re: SFML Background and Splash Screens
« on: October 08, 2016, 02:54:59 am »
Looks awesome! What did you make them with? :)

Several programs, the main one is 3ds max.

I'd be interested in the lossless videos.

Here you go:


This is the whole project directory - excuse the mess  ;D - including the lossless .png+alpha sequence, so you can put any background you want.

Some games use the time of the splash screen to load resources in the back. ;)

And that's the type of loading screens that no amount of hardware advancement can improve  ;D

General discussions / SFML Background and Splash Screens
« on: October 07, 2016, 10:37:37 pm »
Here is a background and a couple of splash screens that I made for sfml:

Keep in mind that youtube compresses the video even at 1080p, if someone needs a lossless version, tell me.

And, please make your splash screens skippable, nothing makes me hate a company more than staring at its unskippable splash screen for the tenth time  :P

General / Re: [Q] A way to protect my Save File :D
« on: September 19, 2016, 12:46:35 pm »
Most people will - if they wanted to cheat - use memory editing programs like cheat engine, and good luck fighting that.

Best way I can think of that eliminates all these problem is saving a replay gameplay file with every high score - at least top 10 - , this will show other players how this score was accomplished - increasing competitiveness - and the players can report cheating high scores for you.

SFML projects / Re: Super Mario game
« on: August 17, 2016, 04:49:35 am »
Works  ;)

SFML projects / Re: Super Mario game
« on: August 16, 2016, 02:27:21 am »
Does not even boot by default, downloading the SFML.Net 2.2 64-bit files and replacing the files that comes with the game makes the game boot, show a loading screen, then crash.

General / Re: Strange Movement with Fixed Timestep
« on: August 12, 2016, 11:01:15 am »
Looks smooth to me when I compile it. Maybe a Driver, or a GPU global settings issue?

General / Re: Bug with a PS4 controller on the Mac
« on: July 22, 2016, 07:09:24 am »
The d-pad "buttons" of a PlayStation 4 controller are analogue, aren't they?

Nope, only PS2, and PS3 controllers have analogue face buttons. Sony dropped it for the PS4, and went back to pure digital since almost no one used them.

General / Re: Bug with a PS4 controller on the Mac
« on: July 21, 2016, 07:39:48 pm »
It counts 14 but misses the up/down/left/right buttons on the top left of the controller. So it should detect 18,

I know nothing about mac, but the controller has only 14 digital buttons including the d-pad - not counting the PS button and clickable touch screen -, the rest are analogue.

Vulkan is - pretty much - mantle, AMD gave everything about Mantle to Khronos, and they took it from there to make Vulkan. It does not have much to do with OpenGL apart from being its gradual successor.

And by the way, these low level APIs must be implemented by the cards manufacturers, you won't "find" more of them by looking around. See what the card manufacture say your card is compatible with, and that's that, well, apart from third party drivers.

SFML projects / Re: Let's make 16 classic game in C++ video series
« on: April 27, 2016, 12:01:11 pm »
This is actually a pretty good format for these kinds of tutorials, good job.  ;D

I like that you show what some of the lines do just by running the program.

Put your sources on github or something similar, it'll be easier to watch. I don't want to download archives.

Seriosly? Github for single files with just few lines? That's pretty useless, I'd understand Justpaseit or hastebin.com - why isn't it working by the way? - but Github? It's not even good for simple things like that.

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