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Messages - noobie

Pages: [1] 2
General discussions / Re: A new logo for SFML
« on: February 02, 2013, 03:32:52 pm »
Stop crying :)

It was a little joke. But Logos should be realy clean and simple or not?

Just play a bit ... rearrange a bit ... the squares standing for the components

General discussions / Re: A new logo for SFML
« on: February 02, 2013, 12:52:16 am »

just clean and simple!

[attachment deleted by admin]

General discussions / Re: Comparison SFML vs SDL -> GUI and OGRE3D
« on: September 22, 2012, 06:57:58 pm »
Well then SFML was the wrong choice. :(

Thx for such a clear answer ;)

General discussions / Re: Comparison SFML vs SDL -> GUI and OGRE3D
« on: September 22, 2012, 06:35:46 pm »
You can write some pseudo-code if it can help.
Its your window code ;)

e.g. if the window is not generated by SFML then the following is needed for input?:
- for the mouseposition the WindowHandle is needed?
- for keyboard, mouse the - windowClass.lpfnWndProc and called
void WindowImplWin32::processEvent(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) is needed?

did i missed something thats needed for keyboard,mouse,joystick input?
Why not make it independent? What i did with picking out all mouse,keyboard functions.

Just my opinion. But i am not really familiar with the window system, so i could really missed something...
But at the moment it seems the mouse,keyboard works with just giving the WindowHandle and set the events in the WndProc.

I said that because everybody seems to ask the same questions to you, and nobody really understands what you want
Yes, i just wanted to leave this thread because i am not able to explain it (bad english), or maybe i should really use OIS. But i like the SFML code so much ;)

And? It's a good thing, DirectInput offers more features than the Win32 API.
I thought DirectInput is deprecated for keyboard and mouse? And additionaly i like it fast and simple :P

SFML is even less integrated to Ogre
And as long as they work fine together, what's wrong?
I cannot see that is something integrated? OIS is just so much independent that the WindowHandle is enough. I think (but don't know) that the DInput thread is catching the inputs?

What else would you like it to use?
blub, nothing ... but as we can see its possible to separate the window system from the input system.

But its your library and thats just my inexperienced opinion :P

General discussions / Re: Comparison SFML vs SDL -> GUI and OGRE3D
« on: September 22, 2012, 04:44:00 pm »
Short, just wanted to set:
- WindowHandle
- windowClass.lpfnWndProc

Didn't want to start an endless discussion...
If you want to close this Thread its ok ;)
Doesn't look like i get what i wanted, so i should spend my short freetime in coding not in senseless discussions.

  • OIS is using DirectInput as far as i know.
  • Its not integrated in Ogre its just delivered with it.
  • OIS uses the Ogre Windowhandle, nothing more

for the time being i stick with SFML :P

so close

General discussions / Re: Comparison SFML vs SDL -> GUI and OGRE3D
« on: September 22, 2012, 03:55:32 pm »
if there's no way i have to accept it , but i don't want to believe it  ;D

General discussions / Re: Comparison SFML vs SDL -> GUI and OGRE3D
« on: September 22, 2012, 03:41:16 pm »

I feel like a stupid little piece of scum now.  :'(

My Problem?
- I searched for a good input System for Ogre
- Didnt find a solution to use SFML for Ogre

And now i got it to work with much changes ....

So jesus, what can u not understand what my problem is/was ? :P

General discussions / Re: Comparison SFML vs SDL -> GUI and OGRE3D
« on: September 22, 2012, 03:19:30 pm »
see it as a request or improvement suggestion for the current window system if users just want the input system. 
As far as i can see the pollEvent cannot be used without the window Object.

But so far i can live with it (Did it by myself and got it to work with Ogre). :-X

General discussions / Re: Comparison SFML vs SDL -> GUI and OGRE3D
« on: September 22, 2012, 02:51:49 pm »
Me again! :)

I still don't get it! Where is the Input System separated from the Window?

I removed all Window classes, picked out the Input methods and made one EventListener class to store the Events per Window (e.g. Ogre -> the RenderWindow), see attachement.

The Window events,Mouse and Keyboard seems to work per Frame and buffered now.
Just have to love the SFML code!

Still don't have a Joystick, but as i see it doesn't need a Window Handle or something?
The Joystick States are updated in the pollEvent loop (per Frame?)?

[attachment deleted by admin]

General discussions / Re: Comparison SFML vs SDL -> GUI and OGRE3D
« on: September 19, 2012, 09:03:59 pm »
So, one evening later i looked at the input code :P

I just changed the lines in the mouse class with Window calls e.g.:

Vector2i InputImpl::getMousePosition(const Window& relativeTo)
    WindowHandle handle = relativeTo.getSystemHandle();


Vector2i InputImpl::getMousePosition(const WindowHandle relativeTo)

so far it seems to work  ;D

General discussions / Re: Comparison SFML vs SDL -> GUI and OGRE3D
« on: September 19, 2012, 12:32:07 am »
I try to figure out the sense from your answers.

Well if you plan on waiting 10 years or so...
So you think there will be no changes and i shouldn't use SFML for Input?

What eXpl0it3r probably meant is that these three classes may already know be independent of a window.
So the Input System can be easily separated-> so  use SFML? Separate it by myself and don't wait for changes ...

Or do you agree with me? -> Use SFML for Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick and others for iOS


Maybe you know this guy ;)

General discussions / Re: Comparison SFML vs SDL -> GUI and OGRE3D
« on: September 18, 2012, 11:53:49 pm »
Hello my swiss neighbor eXpl0it3r.

I guess you mean iOS. SFML doesn't support iOS nor touch 'events'...
I know SFML don't support the IOS(iPhone OS). So i thought to use the OIS(Object Oriented Input System) for IOS Touch.
But i read in other posts, that laurent is planning for -> "3.0 +" IOS support. It would be nice, but we cannot be sure ;)

I'm not sure how the sf::Mouse/sf::Keyboard/sf::Joystick are implemented underneath, you might be able to just use them without the need of window
I am sure its possible, but see it as a feature request and better modular Desgin :P
I think others could need it too?

General discussions / Re: Comparison SFML vs SDL -> GUI and OGRE3D
« on: September 18, 2012, 11:02:30 pm »
Here are my actual progress with Ogre3D and SFML.

- i cannot say why i dont like it.
Maybe just because Ogre is more popular, has its own file format, much render optimations, much more tools and plugins....

- Cant use the SFML Window System and makes no sense. Ogre has more features and platforms.
- Even if i would use the Window System i couldn't because the SFML Window is derived from the GL Context . In Ogre the Windows are generated from the RenderSystems like GL,D3D,GLES etc.
- The InputSystem OIS just needs the WindowHandle but uses DirectInput (Seems they change it in the next Version). Here still i like the SFML Input System more.
- Actual i think i use the SFML Keyboard, Mouse,Joystick and maybe later the IOS Touch from OIS if its possible.
Here it would be great if the SFML Input could be seperated from the window System and just needs a Window Handle? 8)

- GUI -> here it uses a Overlay System, still dont know how SFML can fit in here
- got the Core(namespaces,lib organisation) so far that i can load a mesh(still no material, animations)

this bad little purple viewport and white ogre head in the attachement was hard work!
I nearly destroyed the Ogre Core and putted it together like a puzzle (How stupid).

Because its just a "hobby" and i try to keep my motivation up i need such eye candys :)

[attachment deleted by admin]

SFML projects / Re: [Bullet Hell-Game] Still Unnamed Project
« on: September 14, 2012, 03:10:51 pm »
I got an epileptic seizure!

and the music ....

How long can u play such a game?   :o

But good luck! at first I thought the game is from you ;)

Looking forward to seeing progress on this project, too.

General discussions / Re: Comparison SFML vs SDL -> GUI and OGRE3D
« on: September 08, 2012, 03:00:06 am »
I guess you have some bad experience with SFML's network part?

No. Didnt use it till now.

I have to process other chunks first.

- take a look at Irrlicht :P
- the GUI
- learn that stuff
- find a game idea to test my skills , hehe

But what i know about SFML networking till now:
- its fast and simple :P
- no IOS support

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