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Topics - ElChupacabra

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Weird Error
« on: November 12, 2008, 12:25:54 am »
This is the piece of Code troubling me:
Code: [Select]

void ClockString::Render(const RenderWindow &Window) const
  time_string.SetText("Some Stuff");

ClockString is a class inherited from sf::Drawable. time_string is a Member of the type sf::String. The Problem is I get this error when compiling:

 error: passing `const sf::String' as `this' argument of `void sf::String::SetText(const std::string&)' discards qualifiers

I'm not into the debts of c++. Can someone explain to me what is wrong here?

Window / [solved]Custom Cursor
« on: November 07, 2008, 02:54:25 pm »
How can I set a custom cursor(like a crosshair) for a given RenderWindow? Are there some Methods in SFML for this?

Window / [solved]Drawable Class
« on: October 25, 2008, 03:26:43 am »
Hi guys,
Can you maybe help me with this? How do I create a class which I can hand over to the sf::RenderWindow::Draw() function? Lets say my class consists of drawable objects like sf::String and sf::Shape. In other words what I want to do is:
Code: [Select]

class myButton
  Shape shape;
  String string;
  myButton(..stuff) { ... stuff}
int main()
  RenderWindow App();
  myButton button();

Pages: [1]