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Topics - firefly2442

Pages: [1]
General / How to use new C++11 unique and shared pointers?
« on: October 10, 2015, 09:49:24 pm »
I'm trying to update my game object manager to not just a straight pointer but to use new C++11 shared and unique pointers.  I think I need to use a shared_ptr because I want to be able to get access to the objects and change them outside of the manager class.  This code is based off of an older tutorial and I'm trying to make adjustments based on comments by the author about pointers.  I'm also confused about why the Get() method is const.  If I want to make changes to the objects inside the manager, do I need to remove this?

General / Pang game
« on: May 18, 2013, 07:28:16 am »


I'm just tinkering with the Game from Scratch tutorial and I'm kind of stuck on the mechanics of the game portion.  The game is a pong clone.  For the most part, the ball moves appropriately and is able to collide off the player paddle and the top (but not the AI paddle).  Also, the ball sometimes doesn't appear and the paddles get stuck every so often.

So it needs some work, but for the moment I would like to get the ball to bounce off the AI paddle.  I'm comparing between the player and AI paddle files but they seem quite similar to me.  Any ideas or at least places to start looking?

Thanks. :)

Audio / OGG File Format Specifications
« on: March 26, 2013, 05:00:07 pm »
Are there any requirements for OGG files in terms of container type, 16bit vs 32bit, bitrate, single channel vs dual channel, etc. when using SFML?  Or should anything "pretty much work"?  I don't know much about audio files so most of this is a learning experience.

Thanks in advance.

Feature requests / Create Launchers for Examples Using CMake
« on: October 25, 2012, 04:55:53 am »
I'm not sure if this is possible but it would be great if there was a checkbox option in CMake to create launchers for the examples based on the platform that is being used.  For example, under Windows it would create a batch file that sets the appropriate PATH for the libraries that are needed.  Under Linux, maybe it's a BASH script that appends the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the library.


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