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Messages - csiz

Pages: 1 [2]
SFML projects / SFML Community Contest (German forum)
« on: April 28, 2009, 02:05:49 pm »
Hmm make a wiky for this contest:D or propose to the others...

New contest: must make a blabla game in sfml
Last contest: winners that made a bla2 and their games
Contest nr2...
Contest nr1...

SFML projects / SFML Community Contest (German forum)
« on: April 22, 2009, 07:10:48 pm »
why don't you make a topic for the contest here... like who wants to do this?... not look we did this;-)

Or maybe even migrate over here... you could have more contesters :-D

SFML projects / My Snake
« on: April 17, 2009, 11:31:59 pm »
compiled it for linux too, you can find it on the wiki

Feature requests / A mask for graphics
« on: April 17, 2009, 01:29:38 pm »
How about building a function that creates a mask. Like lets say you have a picture or more and you want them to show on one part of the screen, than you can make another black shape on witch part you want them to show and make it a mask for the other images so they only appear where the shape is.

This could be made using set sub rect when there is only one image, but it gets a lot more complicated if you have animations that change the sub rect... lots of them+text+drawables... and I have no ideea how to do this if you want them to appear on any shape.

SFML projects / Container of animations/gui
« on: April 08, 2009, 05:52:03 pm »
BTW if you any of you want to add some stuff to the gui witch is why I posted that now. Post it here, preferably the actual code.

Well I'll make a name for it when I finish it. I got the names from actionscript and the keyframe thing but the rest were generally something that I needed. Cause now I could make a character a lot simpler than hardcoding the position of every players body parts. Or even making a special class for every kind of character in my game.

SFML projects / Solar creation
« on: April 08, 2009, 02:39:57 pm »
From the classical description of how a solar system is formed: There is a lot of dust and it collides and it forms rocks than they collide and form miniplanets than they attract and collide and form planets and the sun.

I made a simulation in witch you start form 2 to 1000 objects (that would be the equivalent of miniplanets) and it calculates gravitational forces and plastic collisions until a sun and some planets are formed.

here is the wiki from where you can download the program  http://www.sfml-dev.org/wiki/en/projects/solarcreation (now how do I delete the other page?:D)

Uh oh there aren't a lot of planets forming, I think it should have more than 1000 initial objects for a more realistic simulation but normal computers start to slow down a lot from 1000 up

SFML projects / Container of animations/gui
« on: April 08, 2009, 11:49:22 am »
I have been building a container class that can be easily modified to become a gui. I was inspired a little bit from flash.


So the container is named MovieClip and can contain other MovieClip s, Animations and their derived classes (Animation is the image that shows on screen). When yourmovieclip.Draw(sf::RenderWindow) is called the movie clip sorts the objects( so they have z ordering), calculates their position and rotation (the whole movieclip can be rotated by modifying one parameter), executes a user defined function (some kind of keyframes), and calls nestedmovie.Draw(...), than goes to the next frame.

It will store data for as many frames as you want, I'm also building an editor that will generate the header file so you can quickly make movie clips with a lot of frames.

The movie clips can be derived to make gui parts. I made a button class with OnPress, OnRelease, OnMouseOver functions.

the library isn't finished yet, I should build some colission detection, a static text field class, a dynamic text field, a box with scroll bars...
I'll be posting this in the wiki. I'm trying to find out how for now :oops:

SFML projects / My Snake
« on: February 18, 2009, 08:45:40 pm »
I wanted it to make open source for the beginning so it didn't upset me :wink:

I modified SFML and made that public, the compiler is normal.

What do I use at LoadFromFile("...") exactly? / or \ ( "\\" )
I tried both and they worked on my pc but only one worked at my friends pc (both windows)

SFML projects / My Snake
« on: February 18, 2009, 03:14:49 pm »
I put the source and the copyright with that in. click link again

My second game in total, I made the other one with flash. Oh and c++ is the only language I know (sort of know). So yes this is my first with sfml.

I also made a kind of simulation with it. There are a lot of particles at the beginning and they attract each other (gravity)  and collide. It should simulate the forming of a solar system from a mass of gas to a star and some planets. the graphics are black circles  :lol:

SFML projects / My Snake
« on: February 18, 2009, 01:37:27 pm »
Quote from: "pierreyoda"

(are collisions possibles with them?)
But they are bad point:
- Under Vista, the main "menu" flashes : is it normal?
- The cursor mouse is ugly : delete and replace it by a pointer or something like that
- It' a bit... chaotic.  :x And difficult for me...
- Where are the sources :?:

What collisions? The snake goes out of the scene but it will eventually return as the mouse pointer doesen't. It stops sending any more events whe it goes out or something like that.

I don't use vista, I tested it at school and it worked well though, except at the end it says "error pure virtual call"

I didn't thought about the mouse but I'll leave it as it is...

Thats how I wanted it to be :D

And I'll make the sources available if you can tell me how can I get a copyright on them (Like Laurent has in the SFML).

SFML projects / My Snake
« on: February 17, 2009, 09:44:16 pm »
Uhuuu finally I finished it. My first game in c++ (I almost gave it up when I found sfml). Not very complicated but it works.

Link to the wiki.

And feedback is welcomed.

When the snake gets out of the ground (worm tunnels) it is confused. I first wanted to rotate the entire scene but I didn't find rotate in views so it was a little more complicated and I just made the view shake.

Feature requests / Reset function for sf:Sprite
« on: February 17, 2009, 09:36:28 pm »
Hmm me thinks the most important thing in Resize() is that after it the subrect of the Sprite to be set from the Image, like setting an image to a sprite for the first time.

But than it would be more useful just to change SetImage(Image) so that the subrect is reset.

Graphics / TransformToGlobal doesn't care about the center
« on: January 30, 2009, 02:43:33 pm »
Aaaaa now it makes sense  :idea:  Sorry for bothering  :oops:

Graphics / TransformToGlobal doesn't care about the center
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:02:57 pm »
I thought it should be relative to the center, oh well I'll go around it

Graphics / TransformToGlobal doesn't care about the center
« on: January 29, 2009, 02:33:02 pm »
I found a minor bug in Drawable

Code: [Select]
Sprite aaa;
aaa.SetImage(Imagini.SnakeTale);//40|40 image
cout<<aaa.TransformToGlobal(Vector2f(0,0)).x;//outputs -20

Shouldn't that output 0 ?

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