Joystick not working - using SFML 1.4+SVN Win32...
I am not getting anything for the X/Y axis
on my joystick using SFML 1.4+SVN on Windows.
I have a unique setup:
- Windows Vista SP1 32bit
- Super Dual Box Pro (dual PlayStation2 joystick USB adapter)
(have one PS2 joystick plugged into port "Player 1")
Here is my test source:
const sf::Input& InputTest = visuals->App.GetInput();
sprintf(visuals->VariableText, "%f", InputTest.GetJoystickAxis(0, sf::Joy::AxisX));
visuals->DrawTextOnScreenBuffer(visuals->VariableText, 22, sf::Color(255, 255, 255, 255), sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 255), true, 5, 525, TextLeft);
sprintf(visuals->VariableText, "%f", InputTest.GetJoystickAxis(0, sf::Joy::AxisY));
visuals->DrawTextOnScreenBuffer(visuals->VariableText, 22, sf::Color(255, 255, 255, 255), sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 255), true, 5, 550, TextLeft);
I tried different things, but nothing seems to be working on my side.
Any help you can offer me would be appreciated...