In all the environments I've used, * has never meant dot, although I know it can, that's the reason to read documentation before using something, operators are supposed to all be member-wise. Dot and cross are rather expensive operations, so I can't imagine anyone using the * operator for them without reading documentation
Also, explain ambiguity in the / operator?
I believe 1.6 used the * operator, and I never had ambiguity problems.
Should I write my own Vector2/3 class inheriting Sfml's Vector2/3s, or is there somewhay I can add just the * operator without a class write?
reason I'm considering it:
sf::Vector2<unsigned int> Resolution = Display._App.getSize();
sf::Vector2<float> ViewResolution = Display._App.getView().getSize();
sf::Vector2<float> ResChange(ViewResolution.x/Resolution.x,ViewResolution.y/Resolution.y);
sf::Vector2<int> MPos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(Display._App);
sf::Vector2<int> RelativeMPos(MPos.x*ResChange.x,MPos.y*ResChange.y);
int Bbi = MainMenu.GetBoundingBoxIndex(RelativeMPos);