Hey All,
Been working on my game for about a month now and the other night decided I wanted a particle system in it. I didn't want to follow the usual route of 'effectors and emitters' but instead just wrote my own functions inside the particle manager eg 'Explode', 'Shrapnel', 'Afterburner' and its very easy to add more of your own particle effects.
I decided it could help some people so I decided to release it as it might be helpful to someone..
haven't released fully yet still cleaning up the code but will be released this week!
this is a video of the effects below, it just uses a simple sf::circleshape and a colour and this is what the outcome looks like.. note its only using 3 effects (afterburner, explode, supernova) I am not a designer so I am sure people can make even cooler stuff...
The system also uses some OpenGL shaders for glowing etc.