@EDIT I updated my graphics driver and problem now doesn't occurs!Probably this problem is caused by my graphics card (GF 7300 GT)It's very strange because when i minimize and restore app this problem doesn't occurs!Hello.
Sorry for my bad English.
I am clearing and drawing some vertices on RenderTexture every frame and i am drawing RenderTexture result on RenderWindow.
The image "flashes" every 10 frame.
When i am drawing directly to RenderWindow this problem doesn't occurs.
I downloaded SFML.Net 2.0 directy from the site of course.
The following video shows a bug:
Source code which i am used to make video:
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;using SFML;using SFML.Window;using SFML.Graphics;namespace sfmltest
{ class Program
{ static void Main
(string[] args
) { RenderWindow window
= new RenderWindow
(new VideoMode
"sfml test"); window
.Closed += (s, e
) => { window
.Close(); }; RenderTexture renderTexture
= new RenderTexture
600); Sprite sprite
= new Sprite
.Texture); Vertex
[] circle
= BuildCircle
(); while (window
.IsOpen()) { window
.DispatchEvents(); window
.Clear(); renderTexture
.Clear(new Color
0)); renderTexture
.Draw(circle, PrimitiveType
.TrianglesFan); renderTexture
.Display(); window
); window
.Display(); } } static Vertex
[] BuildCircle
() { Vertex
[] circleVertices
= new Vertex
[36 + 2]; circleVertices
[0] = new Vertex
(new Vector2f
300), Color
.Green); float currentDir
= 0f
; float dirStep
= 360f
/ (circleVertices
.Length - 2); for (int i
= 1; i
< circleVertices
.Length - 1; i
++) { Vector2f pos
= new Vector2f
(); pos
.X = (float)Math
.PI / 180 * currentDir
) * 250f
; pos
.Y = (float)-Math
.PI / 180 * currentDir
) * 250f
; pos
+= new Vector2f
300); circleVertices
].Position = pos
; circleVertices
].Color = new Color
64); currentDir
+= dirStep
; } circleVertices
.Length - 1] = circleVertices
[1]; return circleVertices
; } }}