Hi everyone.
I figured it was never to late to learn, so at the tender age of 29 I picked up C++ because I had a book on my shelf about it that I bought when I was oh, 16 or so and nothing really materialized from it.
Now that I'm older, more patient and my interest has grown, I've started fiddling with C++ again and I thought I'd give it another go. However, programming pretend-ATM machines and the like will only take you so far. I was hoping someone here had some tips or ideas to how I can use SFML to make my learning a little bit more enjoyable.
My general idea was that I will undertake a project. Say, snake or something like that (because what else right?) and whenever I come across a problem I don't know how to solve, I have to look things up and learn it. My approach may not be as structured as a regular class, but I've usually found that this is how I work best.
So after that tedious introduction, this is my question. What are truly good beginner projects for someone who's very fresh to C++ and SFML? Is snake a good idea as mentioned? What other little projects do you guys think would be good for a beginner like myself? I hope I'm making myself clear. I just want to know what you guys would consider "easy" projects that a beginner might be able to squeeze through.
Eventually I want to make a classic point and click adventure game, but so far I'm content with just putting something down and getting some experience. So fire away if you have anything that might help. I don't need coding help as of yet, but I'm sure I'll get to that eventually :p