Following my suggestion in the features section to add a sf::Line again, I looked to the wiki about adding the proposed class and found
there is a page on it already.. I believe though the classes presented there are overkill and would suggest these instead:
Deriving from sf::DrawableA simple class that derives from sf::Drawable only.
class sfLine : public sf::Drawable
sfLine(const sf::Vector2f& point1, const sf::Vector2f& point2):
color(sf::Color::Yellow), thickness(5.f)
sf::Vector2f direction = point2 - point1;
sf::Vector2f unitDirection = direction/std::sqrt(direction.x*direction.x+direction.y*direction.y);
sf::Vector2f unitPerpendicular(-unitDirection.y,unitDirection.x);
sf::Vector2f offset = (thickness/2.f)*unitPerpendicular;
vertices[0].position = point1 + offset;
vertices[1].position = point2 + offset;
vertices[2].position = point2 - offset;
vertices[3].position = point1 - offset;
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
vertices[i].color = color;
void draw(sf::RenderTarget &target, sf::RenderStates states) const
sf::Vertex vertices[4];
float thickness;
sf::Color color;
Deriving from sf::ShapeHeader and source for a sf::LineShape, closely modelled after sf::RectangleShape. These can be easily added to one's copy of SFML with minor additions to the relevant CMakeLists.txt and the Graphics master header. Doxygen comments were removed for space.
#include <SFML/Graphics/Export.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Shape.hpp>
namespace sf
class SFML_GRAPHICS_API LineShape : public Shape
public :
explicit LineShape(const Vector2f& point1, const Vector2f& point2);
void setThickness(float thickness);
float getThickness() const;
float getLength() const;
virtual unsigned int getPointCount() const;
virtual Vector2f getPoint(unsigned int index) const;
private :
Vector2f m_direction; ///< Direction of the line
float m_thickness; ///< Thickness of the line
} // namespace sf
#include <SFML/Graphics/LineShape.hpp>
#include <cmath>
namespace sf
LineShape::LineShape(const Vector2f& point1, const Vector2f& point2):
m_direction(point2 - point1)
void LineShape::setThickness(float thickness)
m_thickness = thickness;
float LineShape::getThickness() const
return m_thickness;
float LineShape::getLength() const
return std::sqrt(m_direction.x*m_direction.x+m_direction.y*m_direction.y);
unsigned int LineShape::getPointCount() const
return 4;
Vector2f LineShape::getPoint(unsigned int index) const
Vector2f unitDirection = m_direction/getLength();
Vector2f unitPerpendicular(-unitDirection.y,unitDirection.x);
Vector2f offset = (m_thickness/2.f)*unitPerpendicular;
switch (index)
case 0: return offset;
case 1: return (m_direction + offset);
case 2: return (m_direction - offset);
case 3: return (-offset);
} // namespace sf