So, I'm setting up a window with a resolution of 800x400 and I'm creating a 800x800 RenderTexture. Then I'm drawing a circle an a square onto the RenderTexture. Now I'm putting the texture into a sprite and setting the sprite scale to 0.5, 1. Now this should draw the sprite without any distortion, but it doesn't. The circle is stretched vertically by a factor of ~1.3. Why?
edit: Got it, scale is relative to the sprite size, not the window size. Used view now and the follwing code to set the size:
float innerRatio = defaultContentSize.x / (float)defaultContentSize.y;
float outerRatio = winSize.x / (float)winSize.y;
if(innerRatio > outerRatio)
contentView.setSize(sf::Vector2f(defaultContentSize.x, defaultContentSize.y/outerRatio));
contentView.setSize(sf::Vector2f(defaultContentSize.x*outerRatio, defaultContentSize.y));
contentView.setCenter(Tools::VDiv(defaultContentSize, 2));