I want first to apologize for my bad English.
I have trouble with compiling SFML. I read and successfully completed the tutorial how to recompile SFML with visual studio 2013. My issue is that I don't get the static .lib files. Here we go my proceed with pictures.
First i downloaded the version SFML 2.1 the all folder with sources.
I started cmakeGUI and choosed the visual studio 2012 as a compiler
I configured without any errors and choosed "use static libs" and deselected "build shared libs"
After this I started the project from the build folder where cmake generated the vs2013 project and built it successfully
and the result is not the same as I expected
There are no files like in the tutorial for linking SFML statically like sfml-window-s-d.lib
What have I done wrong?
thanks alot for your answers.