I am searching for a cross platform library for simple graphics.
I am collecting my findings here:
http://www.24hsoftware.com/DevelopersForum/CrossPlatform-C-Library.htmlSFML looks a very good solution but there is something I was not able to answer by reading the site.
My screensaver has about 4 layers of graphics (excuse me for not using the most appropriate graphics terms).
Layer 0 is a static background made of a tiling image.
Layer 1 to 3 display objects either by drawing them with pixels and lines or by puting bitmaps.
Every object has x,y,Layer, speed_x, xpeed_y. (they are moving inside their layer)
Objects in higher layers should be in front of object is lower layers.
Does SFML have layers to do such operations easily?
Any code samples?
Thank you very much for any help.