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Author Topic: Visual Studio (2013) props file  (Read 3032 times)

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Visual Studio (2013) props file
« on: February 14, 2014, 08:29:24 pm »
I have done a props file to use for SFML projects.
I have used the latest version of SFML, build using CMake (static libs).

I use it for my own projects since vs2010. It has changed with the last source code due to link strategy  changes.

To use it, just open the Property Manager (View > Other Windows > Property Manager).
Right-click on your project and choose 'Add existing Property sheet'.
It will allow to compile your project in static debug and static release mode.

If it can help newbies like me on SFML...


[EDIT] To work, you had to change the SFML_HOME variable in the props file (line 5) by the directory where SFML has been compiled/installed.
Without modification, it works only with a compiled version using CMake (because the pre built package do not have the same directory paths)
« Last Edit: February 15, 2014, 10:15:27 am by dfleury2 »