but sometimes it can feel a bit unhelpful when people tell you to seemingly "find the answer on your own because we don't care."
As ironically as it may sound, it's rather "find the answer on your own because we
do care".
Experienced users are generally able to answer a lot of questions. In many cases this is very helpful, because the problem to solve may look very difficult for a newcomer, but very common to those who have already encountered it. However, questions that result simply because the asker didn't spend
any effort on research -- be it intentionally or not -- should not be encouraged in my opinion. Not primarily because it floods the forum with trivial questions and rewards lazyness, but because just showing the solution doesn't teach people how to
approach problems. It's likely that another, very similar problem emerges soon, and then -- should we again repeat the tutorial texts and solve the one specific problem, or rather show how to solve a whole category of problems in the future?
Checking the official tutorials and the documentation is the very first thing one should always do, when there is a question about functionality in the library. Programming newcomers may not know this, that's why we hint to those resources in a friendly way. But quoting and repeating the tutorial again and again in the forum somehow defeats the purpose of it existing in the first place. And it is not only a waste of time for people who answer, but also for those who ask -- if they know how and where to look things up, they will progress much faster than if they wait for answers all the time.