Hey community,
For those of you who don't know the effect,
showing it.
I always love to see this effect in real life, especially when driving the car or watching a fire
So I thought this would also look great in any game which has fires or other hot stuff.
However my research ended unsuccessfully after reading tons of old forum posts about this topic...
The only thing I found (for 2d) was
this devlog, but I don't quite understand the theory explained there.
What I also found was
this pdf, but again I couldn't pick the necessary bits out of that to implement it.
I would really like to use this effect as a glsl shader, so if anyone could give me a better starting point, I would appreciate that
Also I know this forum might not be the perfect one for this question, so I don't really expect to get an answer, but who knows, maybe someone implemented something similar already.
Thanks and greetings, Geheim!