Hello everyone,
I am trying to do static linking. I have -DSFML_STATIC set, and for my libs, I am using: -static -lsfml-audio-s -lsfml-graphics-s -lsfml-window-s -lsfml-system-s -lsndfile -lopenal32 -ljpeg -lglew -lfreetype -lws2_32 -lgdi32 -lopengl32 -lwinmm (this should be the correct order and "-s" indicates static and those should be all the necessary dependencies).
I have my library path set as: -L"C:\\Users\\me\\Documents\\Programming\\SFML-build\\lib" as well as -L"C:\\Users\\me\\Documents\\Programming\\SFML\\extlibs\\libs-mingw\\x86" (for the external libraries)
Everything compiles just fine without errors.
However, when I run my executable, I get the following error: "The program can't start because sfml-audio-2.dll is missing from your computer." Why am I getting this error? I am linking statically so there shouldn't be a need for that DLL file...
(I am on Windows 8 and I compile from the command line without the use of an IDE; I'm using mingw32-g++ to compile. And yes, "libsfml-audio-s.a" definitely exists in the SFML-build\lib directory.)
Edit: And yes, I have openal32.dll and libsndfile-1.dll in the same directory as my executable.