I figured it out, sorry about this thread....
Can someone help me out?
I haven't made a make file in a while and can't remember how to fully make them.
Here is what I have...
PROGRAM = test.exe
/I "P:\SFML-2.2x32\include" \
/I "P:\SFML-2.2x32\lib"
CPPSOURCES = audio.cpp inits.cpp main.cpp
CPPOBJECTS = audio.obj inits.obj main.obj
link.exe /out:$@ $(CPPOBJECTS)
targets : sfml-system.lib sfml-audio.lib
audio.obj: audio.cpp
inits.obj: inits.cpp
main.obj: main.cpp prototypes.h
del $(CPPOBJECTS) $(PROGRAM) *.tlh
I have no idea how to add the dependencies.....
Currently doing this for windows only using VS2013 (I know I can just debug and release, but I want to know how to use make files for the compiling too....)