Thanks for your replies!
I've had a look at NetEXT but that particular arrow implementation wasn't exactly what I'm looking for. (I'm sure I'll have a more in depth peek later as it seems to be fountain of *other* useful stuff, though) But what I need the arrow shape to do is to render a thick outline in addition to the filled shape.
Of course I'm not expecting SFML to have everything exactly the way I need it but that's what all the build in shapes provide. So I thought I could just extend the basic Shape class like CircleShape and RectangleShape do to arrive there.
Now, seeing how much work you guys have put into extension librarys I guess the scope of SFML is just a bit narrower then what I thought. No problem. What bugs me, though, is that the shape implementation obviously has access to path rendering (e.g connected line segments with a thickness) but that usability isn't exposed to the user.

Anyway, how to approach that problem? Thor composes concave shapes as a combination of primitive shapes (circles & rects for the edges, tris for the body) which is flexible enough to cover arbitrary polygons (except polygons with holes, right?) and would work alright if draw performance is not an issue (otherwise the fact that many drawcalls per shape-vertex are necessary will hurt a lot). Biggest issue for me however: it's not ported yet.

From my noobs point of view I think that SFML would really benefit from build-in path rendering with arbitrary thickness. (If not more vector graphics features ala Has this allready been proposed as a feature request? Or is there an extension that does that? If I started to write my own code in that area that would feel like a full-featured side-project instead of something I could justify to do at work. ;/
P.S.: I'm not trying to step on anyones toes. Just trying to figure out how SFML want's to be used!