I'd like to see the possibility of loading resources from a file buffer or filestream
(at least for the built-in ones like images and audio).
I was able to do image loading from a file buffer using DevIL, but since you are going
to replace it in the next version, I'd strongly apply for alternative loading methods as they
shouldn't be hard to implement.
It would be rather useful for use in combination with custom resource files,
filesystems such as PhysicsFS or compression libraries in general.
bool sf::Image::LoadFromBuffer(void* data, std::size_t size)
bool sf::Image::ReadFromStream(std::fstream& stream, std::size_t size)
bool sf::Image::WriteToStream(std::fstream& stream, std::size_t size)
bool sf::SoundBuffer::LoadFromBuffer(void* data, std::size_t size)
bool sf::SoundBuffer::ReadFromStream(std::fstream& stream, std::size_t size)
bool sf::SoundBuffer::WriteToStream(std::fstream& stream, std::size_t size)
You get the idea...