I have tried, for weeks now, to compile and link SFML on OSX, on my little game.
It now compiles and links, but when I run the program, it will not start
unless the SFML Framework is installed in the system libraries on the Mac.
I have tried changing all sorts of settings in Xcode, I have tried macdylibbundler, otool etc.
Anything to make the app look for the SFML inside the .app directory.
To no avail.
It is always something with the @rpath. I found on some forum for another game that SFML changed from @executable_path to @rpath from version 2.1 to 2.2 or something, could that be related.
Is there some recommended way to make an SFML app on OSX look for SFML inside the .app directory instead of in system libraries? Or, some way to build SFML statically. Building statically, although frowned upon for some reason, always solves everything...