Could you measure the actual SFML window (e.g. by using print key to get a screenshot)?
Also does this happen with minimalistic code as well, like the SFML examples?
Mario, I took a print screen when creating the window at 800 x 600 and sf::Style::Fullscreen. The print screen itself only turned out to be
640 x 480... If I use the snip tool (like I did with the screenshot in my original post) then I'm able to screenshot the entire viewable area.
I just tried this using the code copied and pasted from
Is this the initial creation of a window or are you re-creating it (using window.create())?
The test code from above created the window with:
sf::Window window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "My window", sf::Style::Fullscreen);
The code from my actual project creates a RenderWindow as a private class member:
sf::RenderWindow gameWindow;
and creates in the constructor:
sf::VideoMode resolution = getMaxResolution();
gameWindow.create(resolution, "Game Title", sf::Style::Fullscreen);
The important part of getMaxResolution() is:
sf::VideoMode resolution;
// Capture the largest possible resolution
std::vector<sf::VideoMode> modes = sf::VideoMode::getFullscreenModes();
resolution = modes[0];
resolution.width = 1280; // TESTING
resolution.height = 720; // TESTING
The rest just does error checking to make the the user isn't using a system not compatible with minimum requirements.
Are your GPU drivers up-to-date and certified for Win10?
Yes, my drivers are up-to-date. I have switched between my Nvidia card and Intel Integrated and have come up with the same results.
I'll try out the executable on a couple other PCs today and let you know my findings there as well.