I've done some research through the forums and google and I've been unable to find much about the topic.
Essentially, the type of thing I'm trying to do is draw a tilemap of x,y. Some tiles will be basic grass, others will be walls, and the third type of tile will be a "battle tile". I'm going to use a
int battle = rand () % 100;
and take if (battle >=90)
the one problem i'm finding with this, and with the constant frame refresh of SFML windows is that if I do this type of method, as soon as the battle is over, the window will begin refreshing and realize the character is on a battle tile and start calculating whether to go to the battle sequence or not. How could I set this to essentially force the program to wait for a move after the battle sequence? If you're having trouble imagining what I'm trying to do, think Pokemon. You get into a battle and regardless of how long you stand in that tilespot after the battle, you WILL NOT get into another battle.
As I said, I've been trying to research this but I can't seem to come up with anything. Anybody have any ideas or things I could do to achieve my desired outcome of the window waiting for a move after the battle sequence?