Okay guys I've been working on a top down game featuring Tanks, Helicopters and Cars!!
The game has 2 modes-Campaign and survival(endless waves of enemies).
The Player can dynamically switch between tank, heli and car during gameplay using scroll bar.
Okay so i'm not using any animations or spritesheets or any other library, its pure c++ and SFML.
If anyone wants implementations of any of my classes to use in their projects,ping me and i'l provide you the generic methods(after modifying for your needs) OR you can View the SOURCE CODE on Github
#3 Tier Class inheritance for Vehicles
#AI Manager class that dynamically creates enemies to deal with during gameplay.
# Dynamic switching ability between Truck,Tank and Helicopter.
#custom handler functions to handle background image, collisions, Views etc.
# HUDclass for displating and handling HUD(Health,Speedometer and boost)
# A powerup class that handles powerups like health,giant,speed,BulletDamage
#Ally class to call Tank,heli's and Airstrikes for help in exchange for score.
#The Health and Boost for player are regenerative
#ProjectileClass for Bullets,missiles and machineguns
#Music System that automatically loads background music randomly when current track finishes.
#A self implemented Menu system(MainMenuClass) and pause screen.
#A class for handling splashscreen and fade animations.
Source Code and the entire project( Needs visual studio 2013):
https://github.com/Yatanvesh/Operation-Special-DeliveryGame Setup(Alpha build):
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7ut8lCPhmVWUkFmc25mcXQxMjg/view?usp=sharingGamePlay Youtube link: