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Author Topic: SFML Release DLL Fails to build on VS2010  (Read 7887 times)

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SFML Release DLL Fails to build on VS2010
« on: December 13, 2009, 05:26:03 am »
Just like the subject says it just will not build.  Debug and Release Static libs built.  Also the Debug Dll built.  But for some reason the Release DLL will not.

Here is the build output it should help.

Code: [Select]
1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: sfml-system, Configuration: Release DLL Win32 ------
2>------ Rebuild All started: Project: sfml-network, Configuration: Release DLL Win32 ------
1>  Mutex.cpp
1>  Platform.cpp
1>  Thread.cpp
1>  Clock.cpp
1>  Lock.cpp
1>  Randomizer.cpp
1>  Sleep.cpp
1>  Unicode.cpp
1>  Generating Code...
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-system\Release DLL\sfml-system.dll) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\lib\vc2008\sfml-system.dll). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
2>  SocketHelper.cpp
2>  Ftp.cpp
2>..\..\src\SFML\Network\Ftp.cpp(402): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'std::streamoff' to 'size_t', possible loss of data
2>  Http.cpp
2>  IPAddress.cpp
2>  Packet.cpp
2>  SelectorBase.cpp
1>     Creating library C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-system\Release DLL\sfml-system.lib and object C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-system\Release DLL\sfml-system.exp
1>  sfml-system.vcxproj -> C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-system\Release DLL\sfml-system.dll
1>mt.exe : general error c10100b1: Failed to load file "C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-system\Release DLL\sfml-system.dll". The system cannot find the file specified.
2>  SocketTCP.cpp
3>------ Rebuild All started: Project: sfml-window, Configuration: Release DLL Win32 ------
3>  Joystick.cpp
3>  VideoModeSupport.cpp
2>  SocketUDP.cpp
3>  Context.cpp
2>  Generating Code...
3>  Input.cpp
3>  VideoMode.cpp
3>  Window.cpp
3>  WindowImpl.cpp
3>  Generating Code...
3>  WindowImplWin32.cpp
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-network\Release DLL\sfml-network.dll) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\lib\vc2008\sfml-network.dll). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
2>     Creating library C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-network\Release DLL\sfml-network.lib and object C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-network\Release DLL\sfml-network.exp
2>  sfml-network.vcxproj -> C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-network\Release DLL\sfml-network.dll
2>mt.exe : general error c10100b1: Failed to load file "C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-network\Release DLL\sfml-network.dll". The system cannot find the file specified.
4>------ Rebuild All started: Project: sfml-main, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-window\Release DLL\sfml-window.dll) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\lib\vc2008\sfml-window.dll). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
4>  SFML_Main.cpp
3>     Creating library C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-window\Release DLL\sfml-window.lib and object C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-window\Release DLL\sfml-window.exp
3>  sfml-window.vcxproj -> C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-window\Release DLL\sfml-window.dll
3>mt.exe : general error c10100b1: Failed to load file "C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-window\Release DLL\sfml-window.dll". The system cannot find the file specified.
4>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(1095,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-main\Release\sfml-main.lib) does not match the Library's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\lib\vc2008\sfml-main.lib). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Lib.OutputFile).
4>  sfml-main.vcxproj -> C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-main\Release\sfml-main.lib
5>------ Rebuild All started: Project: sfml-audio, Configuration: Release DLL Win32 ------
5>  stb_vorbis.c
6>------ Rebuild All started: Project: sfml-graphics, Configuration: Release DLL Win32 ------
5>  AudioDevice.cpp
5>  AudioResource.cpp
5>  Listener.cpp
5>  Music.cpp
5>  Sound.cpp
5>  SoundBuffer.cpp
5>  SoundBufferRecorder.cpp
5>  SoundFile.cpp
5>  SoundFileDefault.cpp
5>  SoundFileOgg.cpp
5>  SoundRecorder.cpp
5>  SoundStream.cpp
5>  Generating Code...
5>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-audio\Release DLL\sfml-audio.dll) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\lib\vc2008\sfml-audio.dll). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
5>     Creating library C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-audio\Release DLL\sfml-audio.lib and object C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-audio\Release DLL\sfml-audio.exp
5>  sfml-audio.vcxproj -> C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-audio\Release DLL\sfml-audio.dll
5>mt.exe : general error c10100b1: Failed to load file "C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-audio\Release DLL\sfml-audio.dll". The system cannot find the file specified.
6>  adler32.c
7>------ Rebuild All started: Project: sockets, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
6>  compress.c
6>  crc32.c
6>  deflate.c
6>  inffast.c
6>  inflate.c
6>  inftrees.c
6>  trees.c
6>  uncompr.c
6>  zutil.c
6>  png.c
6>  pngerror.c
6>  pnggccrd.c
6>  pngget.c
6>  pngmem.c
6>  pngpread.c
6>  pngread.c
6>  pngrio.c
6>  pngrtran.c
6>  pngrutil.c
6>  Generating Code...
6>  Compiling...
6>  pngset.c
6>  pngtrans.c
6>  pngvcrd.c
6>  pngwio.c
6>  pngwrite.c
6>  pngwtran.c
6>  pngwutil.c
6>  image_DXT.c
6>  SOIL.c
6>  stb_image_aug.c
6>  jcapimin.c
6>  jcapistd.c
6>  jccoefct.c
6>  jccolor.c
6>  jcdctmgr.c
6>  jchuff.c
6>  jcinit.c
6>  jcmainct.c
6>  jcmarker.c
6>  jcmaster.c
6>  Generating Code...
6>  Compiling...
6>  jcomapi.c
6>  jcparam.c
6>  jcphuff.c
6>  jcprepct.c
6>  jcsample.c
6>  jctrans.c
6>  jdapimin.c
6>  jdapistd.c
6>  jdatadst.c
6>  jdatasrc.c
6>  jdcoefct.c
6>  jdcolor.c
6>  jddctmgr.c
6>  jdhuff.c
6>  jdinput.c
6>  jdmainct.c
6>  jdmarker.c
6>  jdmaster.c
6>  jdmerge.c
6>  jdphuff.c
6>  Generating Code...
6>  Compiling...
6>  jdpostct.c
6>  jdsample.c
6>  jdtrans.c
6>  jerror.c
6>  jfdctflt.c
6>  jfdctfst.c
6>  jfdctint.c
6>  jidctflt.c
6>  jidctfst.c
6>  jidctint.c
6>  jidctred.c
6>  jmemmgr.c
6>  jmemnobs.c
6>  jquant1.c
6>  jquant2.c
6>  jutils.c
6>  Generating Code...
6>  glew.c
6>  Color.cpp
6>  Drawable.cpp
6>  Font.cpp
6>  FontLoader.cpp
6>  GraphicsContext.cpp
6>  Image.cpp
6>  Matrix3.cpp
6>  PostFX.cpp
6>  RenderTarget.cpp
6>  RenderWindow.cpp
6>  Shape.cpp
6>  Sprite.cpp
6>  String.cpp
6>  View.cpp
6>  Generating Code...
6>  ImageLoader.cpp
6>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-graphics\Release DLL\sfml-graphics.dll) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\lib\vc2008\sfml-graphics.dll). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
6>     Creating library C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-graphics\Release DLL\sfml-graphics.lib and object C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-graphics\Release DLL\sfml-graphics.exp
6>LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
6>  sfml-graphics.vcxproj -> C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-graphics\Release DLL\sfml-graphics.dll
6>mt.exe : general error c10100b1: Failed to load file "C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-graphics\Release DLL\sfml-graphics.dll". The system cannot find the file specified.
8>------ Rebuild All started: Project: qt, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
7>  Sockets.cpp
8>  Main.cpp
7>  TCP.cpp
8>c:\users\blewisjr\downloads\sfml-1.5\samples\qt\QSFMLCanvas.hpp(9): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Qt/qwidget.h': No such file or directory
8>  QSFMLCanvas.cpp
7>  UDP.cpp
8>c:\users\blewisjr\downloads\sfml-1.5\samples\qt\QSFMLCanvas.hpp(9): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Qt/qwidget.h': No such file or directory
8>  Generating Code...
7>  Generating Code...
9>------ Rebuild All started: Project: sound, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
7>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\sockets\Release\sockets.exe) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\samples\bin\sockets.exe). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
7>  sockets.vcxproj -> C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\sockets\Release\sockets.exe
7>mt.exe : general error c10100b1: Failed to load file "C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\sockets\Release\sockets.exe". The system cannot find the file specified.
10>------ Rebuild All started: Project: pong, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
9>  Sound.cpp
9>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\sound\Release\sound.exe) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\samples\bin\sound.exe). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
9>  sound.vcxproj -> C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\sound\Release\sound.exe
9>mt.exe : general error c10100b1: Failed to load file "C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\sound\Release\sound.exe". The system cannot find the file specified.
10>  Pong.cpp
11>------ Rebuild All started: Project: opengl, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
11>  OpenGL.cpp
10>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\pong\Release\pong.exe) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\samples\bin\pong.exe). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
10>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-main\Release\sfml-main.lib'
11>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\opengl\Release\opengl.exe) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\samples\bin\opengl.exe). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
11>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-main\Release\sfml-main.lib'
12>------ Rebuild All started: Project: ftp, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
12>  Ftp.cpp
13>------ Rebuild All started: Project: sound-capture, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
13>  SoundCapture.cpp
12>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\ftp\Release\ftp.exe) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\samples\bin\ftp.exe). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
13>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\sound-capture\Release\sound-capture.exe) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\samples\bin\sound-capture.exe). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
12>  ftp.vcxproj -> C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\ftp\Release\ftp.exe
12>mt.exe : general error c10100b1: Failed to load file "C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\ftp\Release\ftp.exe". The system cannot find the file specified.
14>------ Rebuild All started: Project: voip, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
13>  sound-capture.vcxproj -> C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\sound-capture\Release\sound-capture.exe
13>mt.exe : general error c10100b1: Failed to load file "C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\sound-capture\Release\sound-capture.exe". The system cannot find the file specified.
14>  Client.cpp
15>------ Rebuild All started: Project: win32, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
14>  Server.cpp
14>  VoIP.cpp
16>------ Rebuild All started: Project: window, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
16>  Window.cpp
14>  Generating Code...
14>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\voip\Release\voip.exe) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\samples\bin\voip.exe). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
14>  voip.vcxproj -> C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\voip\Release\voip.exe
14>mt.exe : general error c10100b1: Failed to load file "C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\voip\Release\voip.exe". The system cannot find the file specified.
16>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\window\Release\window.exe) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\samples\bin\window.exe). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
16>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-main\Release\sfml-main.lib'
17>------ Rebuild All started: Project: postfx, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
17>  PostFX.cpp
18>------ Rebuild All started: Project: wxwidgets, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
18>  Main.cpp
18>c:\users\blewisjr\downloads\sfml-1.5\samples\wxwidgets\wxSFMLCanvas.hpp(9): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wx/wx.h': No such file or directory
18>  wxSFMLCanvas.cpp
17>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(935,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\postfx\Release\postfx.exe) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\samples\bin\postfx.exe). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
17>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\Users\blewisjr\Downloads\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-main\Release\sfml-main.lib'
18>c:\users\blewisjr\downloads\sfml-1.5\samples\wxwidgets\wxSFMLCanvas.hpp(9): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wx/wx.h': No such file or directory
18>  Generating Code...
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 17 failed, 0 skipped ==========


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SFML Release DLL Fails to build on VS2010
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2009, 12:31:05 pm »
Looks like a problem when converting the 2008 solution to 2010. I don't know much about VS 2010, sorry.
Laurent Gomila - SFML developer


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SFML Release DLL Fails to build on VS2010
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2009, 03:13:39 pm »
Looks like a directory got screwed up or something.  After sifting through the linker errors I came to a solution.  So for future reference here is what I did.  First I turned off the samples not required but helps me see if the libs built or not.  

Next i went into the project properties ie: Right click sfml-audio -> properties.

Under General I changed the output directory to


I did this for the following projects in the solution


Everything built fine.


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SFML Release DLL Fails to build on VS2010
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2009, 03:24:41 pm »
But then you get all the temporary objet files (*.obj) in this directory, right?
Laurent Gomila - SFML developer


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SFML Release DLL Fails to build on VS2010
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2009, 03:28:43 pm »
Yes it pushes the object files into the directory but for some reason if you don't the build fails on the Release DLL and Debug DLL.  On Release Static and Debug Static no changes need to be made.

It seems as if the linker is having issues finding the obj files.


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SFML Release DLL Fails to build on VS2010
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2009, 03:34:00 pm »
That's weird. And it sucks it VC 2010 doesn't allow to put the object files on a different folder than the binaries.
Laurent Gomila - SFML developer


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SFML Release DLL Fails to build on VS2010
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2009, 04:00:53 pm »
This must be a bug of some sort because I just got Debug DLL to build after switching back to the old settings.  But Release DLL Failed after I switched.  Gunna keep looking at this.

EDIT:  Problem Fixed  Turns Out on the Release DLL project in the linker options /INCREMENTAL flag was off.  Flick it on and it builds.