I have no idea how to use or write cmake files
For anti-alias, you could try just 1, or hit a high one like 8 and let it slip back to the highest available. You should probably
disable the SFML error stream while you set up the window, though.
If you are more of a designer and artist programmer than programmer programmer (think Edmund McMillen and Florian Himsl - two programmers but one is more arts-y and designer-y than the other who does the majority of code) then we can work on something together.
I wouldn't know how to categorise myself there. I suppose I would like to think that I could adapt to the role I was aiming for. I'd be willing to give something a go. At least we'd definitely have the sound part covered
a cmyk [colour mode]
This. I had just commented on how hard it was to get used to quickly recognising which RGB colours can match and then you mention this. This would be hell! Still, it should have a white background...