Hey. I thought it was probably better to separate this from the other topic, seeing as they aren't really related.
I'm trying to make a window for OpenGL, by extending sf::Window (Attach a game loop, and things). However, if I try to do something like this:
class GLWindow : public sf::Window
//blah blah blah
I get linker errors from sfml-window-s.lib, almost all of functions I'm not using:
E:\CodeBlocks\...\libsfml-window-s.a(Joystick.o):Joystick.cpp:(.text+0x45)||undefined reference to `_joyGetPosEx@8'|
E:\CodeBlocks\...\libsfml-window-s.a(Joystick.o):Joystick.cpp:(.text+0x78)||undefined reference to `_joyGetPosEx@8'|
||=== Build finished: 30 errors, 0 warnings ===|
// The /.../ is my omittings.
However, if I remove the inheritance from sf::Window, it disappears.
sf::Window does inherit itself from NonCopyable, but I think that only stops foo = nonCopyableBar.
I also have the same problem with composition, if GLWindow has an object of sf::Window.
I think all the libraries are linked fine, but that's the only reason I can think why it isn't working.
It could also be something to do with SFML2, but I think somebody would've picked up on it.