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Author Topic: First real game project - task: clean up / multiple attack types and levels  (Read 14588 times)

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Re: First real game project - task: texture handler and terrain sprites
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2016, 01:24:28 am »
Thank you,

you most welcome

i do what i can, when i can. Mostly i don't work much on code, but that day i had a lot of time, so a lot was done :)

likewise, i had a chance to finish a game in two days only, i was happy about myself when i did it, but yeah, gotta admit, it was silly puzzle game, no physic, no collision   ;D

ps. does anyone have a good suggestion for a screen capture program, the one i use lag even at 8% cpu usage (3% for the game, 3% for the cam program 2% for mics others), so not wort much :S (frame rate set between 30 and 60, all lag :S

personally, i have tried almost all free screen captures and all of them are suffered same problems, the one worth mentioned, is OBS (Open Broadcaster Software). it is quite popular in streams.

Next update is here:

1: I've added ladders to the terrain, as i figured their use is heavily tied to my terrain hitTest.
2: Fixed the fall down bug, so items no longer gets embedded into the ground or the walls.
3: added a "head" hitTest, so that you cannot jump up trough the ceiling.
4: added a "auto center" function to ladder
5: again removed a lot of double code
6: added a "focus rectangle" to the character image area on the left, showing what character is active
7: added individual mana and hp to each character (randomized for now)

I think that is is.. next up, textures :D

i believe ladders is essential in this game as original (Think lost vikings) implemented. for ladders functionality looks perfect.

out of curiosity, did you make pixel arts for this game?
« Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 01:26:23 am by Mortal »


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Re: First real game project - task: texture handler and terrain sprites
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2016, 07:12:38 am »
Thank you, I'll look into OBS.

About art, yes I do have some.

I've once tried making a webcomic and some forum based games, called meandmypixels I have a lot of art from it I can use... As a start...

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string message = "some random dude";
cout << "I'm just " << message;


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Re: First real game project - task: texture handler and terrain sprites
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2016, 12:49:56 am »
This will be a short update:

Got the Texture handler to work, it now takes care of all terrain rendering, and is ready for character rendering when that comes, it allows for one type of tiles (eg level 1 tiles) to use only 1 sf::sprite and one sf::texture to render each and every tile on screen ´
things with other dimensions would need to have their own sprite (and texture to make it easy to use) but ot can handle it.
it allows each "item" to inform what it is, what animation it is currently using. and what "frame" it is
eg. all the tiles seen here (dirt with grass, dirt and ladders) are of the Type "lvl1" dirt is animation 1, dirt with grass is animation 0, and ladders are animation 14. all set on frame 1, 2 or 3 without looping.

The sample is here: 
string message = "some random dude";
cout << "I'm just " << message;


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Re: First real game project - task: clean up hitTest code
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2016, 10:30:50 am »
It's nice seeing your progress! :)

ps. does anyone have a good suggestion for a screen capture program, the one i use lag even at 8% cpu usage (3% for the game, 3% for the cam program 2% for mics others), so not wort much :S (frame rate set between 30 and 60, all lag :S
I suggest to use OBS Studio and switch to FFMPEG recording. When you use the standard x264 recording, your CPU will encode the video material in real-time which is quite demanding. When you use ffmpeg to record, you can switch to ffv1 or lagarith codec (make sure to switch to YVU mode), which will have very little impact on the CPU, but since they are lossless formats, will generate huge files.

If you have a newer Nvidia card, you may also look into Shadowplay, which provides the video data directly from the GPU.
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Re: First real game project - task: texture handler and terrain sprites
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2016, 11:40:57 pm »
Thank you to you both,
just downloaded it, will play around with it later. but first, an update.

So a lot happened since last video (but not as much as i wanted there to happen.)

-Added character sprites

-added zombies sprites

-did so the levelData calculates what type of ground we have, based on its surroundings.

-added a "walk trough" type of ground (not featured in video)

-added simple AI (walk left for 3-6 sec, tunr around do same)

-added animations

-added "classes" (the 3 characters has different speed, health, mana , jump power and sprites based on their class (currently sprites are just changing belt color, gray = warrior, red= ranger, blue = mage, simple stuff)

-made animation speed scale to walking speed (still need tuning)

-found out that i cannot for the life of me add textures to a vector, so i had to use an array instead :S

and here is the video:

string message = "some random dude";
cout << "I'm just " << message;


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Re: First real game project - task: attacking/deal damage
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2016, 04:37:49 am »
another update.. I'll write the details tomorrow.. night night for now!!!

string message = "some random dude";
cout << "I'm just " << message;


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Re: First real game project - task: attacking/deal damage
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2016, 09:30:55 pm »
Okay, description for post above this one:

I've done a lot so far, and for the next time ill simply do rearrangement and clean up of the code, not adding anything before it is done. but here is what I've done so far.

//the level handler can read monsters into the level
-each monster is represented by a color of 255,0,X where X corresponds to a ,monster type.

//zombies now do damage

//playing characters now do damage

//playing characters can die,
-when they do you cannot re select that character
-the engine skips updates for death characters
-if all 3 characters dies, the level starts over.

//zombies can die
-the engine skips updates for death zombies.

- if the active player character stands close to another player character and jumps, said character will give a boost to jumpPower.

//manual reset
-going out to the main menu from the pause screen will result in level reset!

//more animations
--climb up/slide down stairs
--give a lift! (for cooperation getting over obstacles)
--Multiple attack animation possibilities

string message = "some random dude";
cout << "I'm just " << message;