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Author Topic: SFML.Net on Xamarin.Android  (Read 3723 times)

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SFML.Net on Xamarin.Android
« on: November 02, 2017, 11:55:38 am »
Hello there,

I've recently tried a little bit arround with using SFML.Net on Android using Xamarin. For that I've created an Xamarin.Andorid OpenGl-App and just randomly opened a RenderWindow.

I can't ensure that this will work yet since the instantiation of the RenderWindow fails due to a missing dll (DllNotFoundException on loading csfml-window-2). I have included the linux binaries (.so) in the apk and i can confirm that they actually are included in the apk. Also, the logs while debugging say that the library actually wanna get loaded using the correct path.

But regardless of that, has anyone done anything similar yet? And do you think this will be the right approach even if the native library gets loaded? Or does anyone already has running SFML.Net on Android?



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Re: SFML.Net on Xamarin.Android
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2017, 10:59:47 pm »
I think you cannot use the Linux binaries because they are compiled for x86/x64 and most device running Android run on ARM, you should recompile csfml for ARM (there might be more than one possible target)

Also i think Android use the file system in a weird way (sandboxing), check where your app is looking for your .so, maybe you need to provide info so it can be found?

