My FPS seem to be capped around 47 to 50 frames. It doesn't really matter how much there is to update. I have tried to run a program where the only thing that happens is that I am calculating the FPS. Still around 50 frames. I tried to tripple the amount of stuff my program does. Also around 50 frames. I understand why my program only recieves part of the processing power, even if more would be available. But why such an odd number? And how do I change it? I would much prefere around 60 FPS or more. Is this even a problem with SFML?
Here's how I calculate the FPS, maybe the problem lies there.
lastTime = 0;
while (window.isOpen())
currentTime = clock.restart().asSeconds();
fps = 1 / currentTime;
lastTime = currentTime;
//do stuff...