I was away from SFML for a while, and needed to do some freshing up, but what I would firstly like to state is that SFML is such a great library, consistent, simple (on the surface), and it just works! Thanks to all who have made this possible over the years!
Some days ago I ducked some posts on this forum that seemed to answer my question, I've been clicking and ducking for an hour or so now, and cannot find it anymore, my bad... So, I up front apologise for the question, that I know already has an answer somewhere here on the forum.
What I would like to do is create a window (without borders, no problem), that is partially transparent (in the sense that one can see through parts of it, i.e. see what's behind it). I remember reading that this was, in general, not recommended, but possible on windows.
Could someone either point me to the relevant post(s) (Hapax or eXpl0it3r, if I remember well) or try and put me in the right direction. I'm on Windows 10/1709/x64 and use SFML trunk from a few days ago.
Thanks in advance.